





privat - öffentlich / public private

häusler contemporary, munich 2003 - a group show curated by rainer ganahl

jenny holzer, mark lombardi, emily jacir, joseph grigely, rainer ganahl


due to the fact that I am not in possession of more clear images of everybody's work in the exhibition and that this is not the official home page of häusler contemporary but just the home page of me, rg. you might not find here an equal representation of all the works in the exhibtion.

for more information and better quality images, please contact häusler contemporary


Rainer Ganahl, Among the ruins, 2002

silk embroidery,


Raner Ganahl, Homeland Security, video, 2002

video 8 min.

Rainer Ganahl, study sheets - arabic and chinese

Rainer Ganahl,

Basic Arabic, (Study Sheets),

work on paper

Rainer Ganahl

Basic Chinese, (Study Sheet), 12/1/01 New York

work on paper


RAiner Ganahl

Rainer Ganahl


installation view

Rainer Ganahl, (floor piece) Mark Lombardi, and Joseph Grigely


Mark Lombardi

work on paper

Emily Jacir, Sexy semite.

Emily Jacir, Sexy semite.


Emily Jacir, Sexsemite.

Emily Jacir

Jenny Holzer

jenny Holzer

Jenny Holzer

Joseph Grigely

Joseph Grigely


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häusler contemporary