This exhibtion contains a variety of films that deals with the ongoing concatenaton of crisis after criis on all levels. THE UKRAINIEN WAR, GLOBAL WARMING, TERRORIS, VIOLENCE, DISPLACED PEOPLE AND POWERTY - part of my extenisve work with learning and apprehening the global drivers of insanity - but it is up to the beholder - to make sense of it all. PART one is only a seires of videos that take on waste and recylcing of news iwht a mixture of animations and discussons in the cybernetical space and in real space . here see the a series of videos that will be steamerd see also on the artists IG #rainerganahl for example: computer animoation : Edition of 10 , high resultion - two versions ( silent or spoken ) there will be more added to the program the NCOLO MACHIAVELLI - PART 2 (FILM IS SHOWN IN PART I) ADDRESSES THE TOP ( see commedesmarxists.com) of FASHION AND THE POWERTY OF RECYCLING AND WASTE AND INSANITY WHEN THE RICH GET RICHER AND STARVE AND SWEAT WHILE THE POOR GET MOBILE PHONES TO CALL CRYPTO CURRENCIES AND BANK THEI MILLION LOADS OF TEARS AND DISGUST IN THE SAVE HEAVENS OF GENVA AND ZURICH BANK AS WELL AS AT HSBC WHO takes only clients who have at least 1 million in the bank becuase they do not even mind anymore to bank for regular people in the USA - HENCE I was kicked out and lost even my job hence -- i am back to reading and trying to make sense with a funny book as well as with the trade my grand mohter did : to be a tailor for the rich - MEANING I M A DAMNED ARTIST who works with fasion critique and garments -hence i recycle shit and try to consolitate my misery in silk and switzaustrian textiiles like those produced by my neighbor getzner - shirts and overalls .. i lost my shirt and i work for the working class poor and rich put i love to dress arabic and insane.. i recylce the shit i learned in the pyschiatric hospital afer a quasi lethal *still alive but hosptialized even against my will ) .. hence COVID post covid.. FIRED and on the lookout for a new job in switzland and elsewehere.. DO YOU HAVE A TEACHING JOB FOR ME... in the meangime i do art. thanks and i love you all inspite of all the shootings and the violence on my NEW YORK CITY BLOCK where a scate board madman attacked me with a skate baord so that i was nearly gone but definitely knocked out and unconscoiussly picked up as a peace of trash.. .hence my art and my wriing has now bcome trash because people percieve me as an artist gentriefier as basura and in all langauges 0 la merde. HENCE .. je travail en 10 language - hence come and please teach me also your MISHAPPENINGS BUT WE WILL TALK.. talk therapy.. i look for a job as a LACANIAN therapist BECAUSE THAT IS ALL I STUDIED as a historian and philisopher.. sorry , my subject is now HE SHE I IT, THEY .. sorry I have no name, and anyhow.. we try to fight racism and i am not for the fact that we have discrimination based on religion or looks. sorry i am white and maile and part of the spectrum called lgbtq etc.... hence.. WE AGREE TO CONSENT see there for more stuf on ig even commedesmarxists and we look in part 2 for models thanks
TOXIC IDEOCY Reading Nicolo MachiavellI at the Venice Biennial, Covid Performance Rainer Ganahl 2022 TOXIC IDEOCY Reading Nicolo MachiavellI at the Venice Biennial, Covid Performance Rainer Ganahl 2022 COVID has costs us our MINDS and our HEARTS. It turned US ALL into ISOLATION CHAMBERS and entered DEATH into a pillow of greed and accumulation. Worst, SOCIAL MEDIA BECOME THE WINNER and those who had work were leaving those without work that pays properly even more behind. Worst, it became a pharmaceutical and military RAT RACE apparently won by the so-called WEST. I write this in the so-called post PANDEMIC PERIOD though the INSIDE JOKE is for all who watch this video the PANDEMIC IS STILL ALL. I can watch the PANDEMIC in the Ukraine LIVE and I can see so-called WAR CRIME FOOTAGE but I saw the ANIMATION OF THE collapsing shoe of LENIN AND STALIN DAY IN AND DAY OUT here outside my house and in my house which would take me another 50 years to explain. hence I keep it short. I am an artist who studied with NAM JUNE PAIK and I must admit : technology has changed and my web sites grow longer and longer like people say in China : my beard has grown old - THE CONFLICTS AND THE AMOUNT OF DISGUSTING THINGS THEREFORE forced me to TRAVEL ONE MORE TIME TO venice, italy - a famous place for things called fine art. ganahl.info this video is made in MEMORY OF ALL THE WAR VICTIMS that are SHUT AT GUN POINT (a spectacle I can see also where I am living in Harlem - of course, thanks to the attacker who attacked me with a skate board because I'm white, thanks to the cyber hackers who stole my mind, thanks to all those who rip me over and do not even ask about GENDER but I guess I am sick of BEING BLAMED FOR ALL THE MALAISE anybody else has. Sorry, the the dean fired me and I lost my last job. Does anybody have a job for me? Or may be dial not only history but KARL MARX AND ask him why my brand of OUTFITS *INSANITY JUSTICE - NEEDS collectors? HENCE, SHOP #COMMEdesMARXISTS and collect #RAINERGANAHL DO IT YOURSELF - LOOKING FOR ..... justice in what we can't find. I am serving the community as a clown, an actor, a #LACAN ian #therapist but what I do not like - I do not wanna be the banker for all who exploit me. ON THE OTHER HAND - AT LEAST I AM ALIVE AND WANT TO THANK ALL THE PEOPLE WHO HELP ME ---- the disgusting absurdity often consist of the fact that killers often kill without intentions but are tricked into KILLING - hence READING MACHIAVELLI appeared to me the right book for a post-pandemic murder SHOW THAT IS nationalist to the core and uses HISTORY as an excuse to gun down people, or color of the skin or why's how people look editing RAINER GANAHL SPECIAL THANKS TO the city of New York that they suck the last penny out of me, special thanks to the children, who did the animations from ISADORA GANAHL and EDGAR GANAHL not seen for 6 years to NOZOMI CATO wihtout ROSE AND XIAO XIAU LEE AND WILD interpretations of name droppings on my h head. announcing a bunch of publicly and weirdly funded FINE ART projects bc that is all I know to do. Sorry my English is faulty - at least, disregard my WRONG TRANSLATIONS AND see with your eyes my TOXIC SIGNS. This video was shot on a simple device called : machine gun and final cheat. pro. |