The condition of the working class in England - Little Ireland. 1842 / 2011 15 min , first presented at BERLINALE 2012, FORUM EXPANDED 2012
In memory of Mary Burns, "a fierce working woman with radcial opinions with whom Engels began a relationship that lasted until her death in 1862" (wikipedidia) starring: Lowri Evans, Rainer Ganahl, camera: Maurice Carllin. This was filmed on one of the most miserable sites of the industrial revolution in Manchester, referred to as Little Ireland, where mostly Irish workers were exploited and lived in dire conditions. Today, we see a parking lot, an old factory of the times and new complexes of luxurious living still in development since the recent economic crisis slowed down gentrification. The condition of the working class in England - Little Ireland. In memory of Mary Burns, is based on Engels biography. He fell in love with Mary Burns, an illiterate Irish worker who showed him the darker parts of the city on which Engels influential book “The condition of the working class in England” is based. The Irish were considered the lowest of all workers at the time and barely distinguishable from slaves. Even Engels describes Irish workers in general in a very stereotyped negative version and nearly denies them human attributes and any degree of civilization. Mary Burns guided Engels through Manchester and Salford, showing him the worst districts for his research." For this video, I am riding in circles on a bike in exactly the spot where LIttle Ireland once was. While riding a circles a young "fierce woman" is reading from Engels' book exactly the parts addressing Little Ireland.
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review in TAZ http://www.taz.de/1/archiv/digitaz/artikel/?ressort=be&dig=2012%2F02%2F16%2Fa0158&cHash=559515047d click for hi res.