Morandi - paintings Morandi - video - Painting a pighead in front of a Giorgio Morandi Morandi - video - Triste, triste, triste - the paint dealer of a Girogio Morandi Morandi - stuff
see video Painting a Pig Head in front of a Giorgio Morandi Bologna 2012 - 20 min Painting a pighead in front of a Giorgio Morandishows me doing exactly what the title claims: Painting a pighead in front of a Giorgio Morandithough I have never painted nor attended any painting classes. I bought some oil paint, some pighead and put myself infront of an original Morandi painting at Galleria d'Arte Maggiore, Bologna with a sales price of 1 200 000 Euro. Several attemps by me to gain access to either the Museum Morandi or the Studio Morandi - both are open to the pubic - for this work were rejected with the rather curious argument that my project has nothing to do with Morandi. At the art supply show I met a person who sold directly to Giorgio Morandi who was shopping there unitl his death in 1964. He advised me not only on the colors and on the canvas but also introduced me to his former boss Carlo Carlotti who worked as a paint saller (Mesticatore) for Morandi between the 1940s and his death. I was also able to interview and get some really nice stories to hear with we recorded in the interview entiteld: TRISTE TRISTE TRISTE - THE PAINT DEALER OF A GIORGIO MORANDI. Girogrio Morandi (1890 - 1964) spent his entrie life in Bologna - almost never left town - and painted apart of some landscape paintings exclusively very reduced still lifes containing bottles and other simple containers in a very uni-colored haze. Given his biography, he participated in WWI and lived through WWII, he saw most of his life poverty and gave expression to it. His paint seller called him 'triste', sad, and described his paintings also as "triste, triste, triste". Wikipedia describes his style as followed: "Morandi was perceived as one of the few Italian artists of his generation to have escaped the taint of Fascism, and to have evolved a style of pure pictorial values congenial to modernist abstraction. Through his simple and repetitive motifs and economical use of color, value and surface, Morandi became a prescient and important forerunner of Minimalism." The paintings and the video are part of works that deal with the current state of our economy which can be best described by the financial term CREDIT CRUNCH that started in 2008 with the near collapse of the entire world financial system. Today, Europe too is so endangered of a financial melt down that is not only limited to the defacdto bancrupt Greece but one that also threatens Portugal, Spain, Italy, Ireland and could even pull down others. The EURO itself is anything but stable and talks about its demise are everywhere. This video was made in Bologna, Italy first shown at a group show curated by Lorenzo Bruni at Galleria Astuni. Camera: Fabio Piccione. Assistence: Sara Corona. See video: see paintings: Painting a pighead in front of Giorgio Morandi other Morandi stuff
photos taken during filming FINALS:
PIG HEADS ARE BEAUTIFUL ... Giorgio Morandi, Natura morta, 1948, oil on canvas, 36 x 36 cm Courtesy of this Morandi is Galleria d'Arte Maggiore, Bologna - estimated value: I .2 Million Euros
also from an interview between Johan Hartle and me entitled the abstract faces of the rulling class
Johan Hartle: The pig’s head, of course, alludes to classics of political iconography. George Grosz’ Faces of the Ruling Class –
Morandi - paintings Morandi - video - Painting a pighead in front of Giorgio Morandi Morandi - video - Triste, triste, triste - the paint dealer of Girogio Morandi Morandi - stuff |