MOSCOW CREDIT CRUNCH -- CATERING FOR OLIGARCHS IN DISTRESS Dada Moskau at the 4th Moscow Biennale 2011 (organized by Cabaret Voltaire, Zurich) Special thanks to Adrian Notz, Anna Romanenko, Adrianna Liedtke, Wera Buck, Nadja Putzi and The Cabaret Voltaire
Oil - the lucky winner ... for Russia and others... - Standard & Poors agree on that RUSSIAN OLIGARCHS IN DISTRESS - the wooden boards are part of a rural tradition for serving food. The big fat saussage was stolen rather quickly. GREECE, IRELAND, PORTUGAL, ITALY - see the electonic panel showing the degree of government debt Standard & Poor's is a famous rating agency who down graded the USA and is causing headachs. This is all after the fact that they rated the credit crisis generating collateral debt obligations as tripple A until they all collapsed and were wearthless. They were part of the lousy game that caused this ongoing perpetual financial crisis. the piggy overlooking Europe's endebbed countries who might soon be unable to pay their fuel bills International Monetary Fond (until recently run by Dominique Strauss-Kahn's playboy who got a blow job for free at age 62 from the hotel maid ... he did not use any physical force !!! - of course not, and the courts prove him right !!) and the WORLD BANK world currencies.. RMB (Chinese), Euros, Dollars, Yen (China is holding the biggest cash reserves world wide) Russian Private Jets for Sale - indeed.. even oligarchs got a hair cut and had to sell jets and yachts. But the current oil price so high and equities again up they do much better in these days as their European and American counter parts. Penisses are nice symbols of power who not only point out to the obscenites of the real financial world but also how power is strong and promiscious. it candeflate quickly in one spot or move on to the next hotspot. Don't we see a massive transfer of wealth from the West to the East ? Lenin is speaking Swiss Francs in these days. Next to gold a big winner in the wild market rides of these days. But is it good for the Swiss people and the Swiss economy if their currency appreciates so much ? the Euro board hosting money small cocky bananas --- may be soon Junk Status (eggplant) JUNK STATUS Repression, Corruption and Power ---a familiar combinaitions in certain places. Just the day of our opening Putin announced he'd run for another 6/12 years. He will fight Russian corruption and establish international legal and democratic standarts, or don't you think so ? The pig from behind was even more impressive. Rare Earth metals the most important raw materials needed for batteries, mobile and computers, solar panels, electric cars, wind turbines The are 96 % in the hands of China. Gorbachev is selling his Louis Vuitton Bags on Ebay. (the bags he got for his ad campaign). In these days he - at age 80 - is one of the only outspoken critic of the Putin regime and denounces it openly. If he doesn't cut back on his comments he might have to soon live off his ad revenues only. Gold is written on the back of the OIL carrying pumpkin. Don't look at the decapitated pig. Try to imagine it's smell. these are the hard currencies turned soft in these days and years Swiss Francs - somebody just walked away with that ... here is the UEBER-MONEY - wiht a political remnant that resonates in Russia. In these days the very existence of the EURO is put in question due to the immanent default of Greece and may be other member countries. Hammer and sichel is used in these days for fending of demonstrators who oppose the draconian measures requested to protect Greece from bancrupcs TEA PARTY is a current American right wing movement that wants to introduce an oligarchy in the USA: Russians also drink tea. at the end.. things got really sexy through decay
The CREDIT CRUNCH FOOD kitchen: we served Russian lentils - 'gorox The Dimitri Gutov family Jorinde Voigt and Christian Jankowski Vadim Zakharov this gentlemen took right away the display food...
see placing of the pigs - after taking a chemical dysinfectant bath
see a video of the pig removal: discarding the monsters - brave Adrian did the job !!!
the third day
taking off with my wesperbrettchen - my eating boards - leaving the installation behind.. people kept taking and more and more of the food was either eaten or taken (in funny ways some put it in their jackets as if shop lifting.. - ) the Euro-Kraut-Head held up pretty well !!!! -- there was no attempt to steal it by any Russian
preparatory drawings - A4 size
the drawing made during installation - instruction drawings
after deinstallation