////not interlinked////visible but only for people who know the web site this web site is UNDER CONSTRUCTOIN \\\ ------- MARX ANGELS' DUST with a FASHION SHOW a LABOR CAMP Pure EXPLOITATION, pure SPEED STRANGE LEARNING & more
MX gallery + Kai Matsumiya . NEW YORK CITY Fashion show //// ANTI. FA. ANTI FASCISM ... ANTI... PLASE, TEACH ME CHINESE / PLEAES, TEACH ME ITALIAN, - MARX A PRATO -... july 11th . nyc . please, teach me chinese FASHION SHOW 167 canal street, 5th floor, 8 pm STARRING. Alex Shulan, Tajhi Banks, B Wurtz, Jenny Cheng Young Gun, Valerie Keane, Andrea Fourchy, Kai Matsumiya, Ala Dehghan, Alex Bienstock, Eli Ping and more Editors’ Picks: 20 Things Not to Miss in New York’s Art World This WeekYour to-do list for the week. Sarah Cascone, July 8, 2019 9. Rainer Ganahl’s “Please, Teach Me Chinese / Please, Teach Me Italian — Marx a Prato / Gucci a Prato” at MX Gallery Artist Rainer Ganahl updates his “Commes des Marxists” fashion show, which first appeared at White Columns in 2013, at lower Manhattan’s MX Gallery. The fashion performance, which features clothing printed with Chinese and Italian text, was originally slated to appear in the Italian city of Prato, which is home to a large population of migrant Chinese workers. But museum officials interrupted the show after discovering that Ganahl’s work highlighted the sometimes violent clashes between the city’s Chinese and Italian populations. Now, Ganahl is reprising the work for one night at a gallery that’s fittingly situated in a part of Chinatown that was previously known as Little Italy. refernces: kunsthalle vienna / prato / concept
disclosure: all items from the fashion show constitute the back bone of the exhbition. residency and become tools for STRANGE LEARNING and NARCISM aginst FASCISM
Program - events are to be announced on this instagram: @marxangelsdust IN THE PLANNNING.. BUT COMMING ... JULY 26 ... official opening.. of the EXHIBITION / RESIDENCY / STRANGE LEARNING Talks & Interviews Fashion & labor Posing & photography Poetry & pitching Music & gossip Learning & listening Trading & biz Improvs & instagrams Food & fiction Bull ... & politics Art & chocolates etc.
other TOPICS Institutional harassment Sustainability german_IDEALISM - german_MATERIALISM Zaradustra ZURICH Zaradustra TEHRAN Trade, Traffic and War on the Silk Road Marx Punk Opera narcism against fascism marx love - please, help me teach use apps apps ... consent , no sugar, fair, fun, learning theater ... MARX KIPPENBERGEr...... marin, i m so sorry. manz more topics..
Lectures A poet who went to the IRAQ WAR : Antonio Alessi - poetry and conversation with Rainer Ganahl Learning Form Tehran - an evening with Shirin Neahat, Ala and Pujan (consent not yet asked for) From the war archive: Feeding the Taliban -War Impressions, Tom’s dad as an US army relief worker Rainer Ganahl on Comme des Marxists Rainer Ganahl on Please, teach me Chinese Rainer Ganahl on Institutional Harassement Rainer Ganahl on Strange Learning & Strange teaching Rainer Ganahl on art works related to opera
Readings: Nietzsche and the New York Times MAO 4 MILLENIALS
Fashion /Art Project: Marx Angels Dust Marx 99 cents + 25 % tarifs Wear Lottery Economics
Music Events / film screenings A vesion of MARX PUNK OPERA projecdt related videos
Constantly ongoing projects: Marx Angeles Dust - Exploitation Marx 99 cents + 25 % tarifs - Posing & photography Trading The artist is present: Please, teach me Chinese (Conversations in Mandarin) The space will be filled withe work produced on site. instragrm: @marxangelsdust & insterviews (crowdsourcing) basic vegetarian cooking donwer dogs STRANGE LEARNING.
more to come
////// disclaimer //// Since I do consider this summer spleen a CROWD SOURCING and SOCIAL PLATFORUM TO MAKE ART i take it seriously and will ask for verbal (not written) consent concernign any form of participation, recording and publishing: Results might go on instagram, on the walls of MX Gallery and are docuemnted on line or in print. Material productions are consensual and voluntary Nobody present will be pressured to do anything. But if people volunteer their work and time the work will stay in my possession . Credit will be given in writing as a participant and visually on social media. Interviews are also only conducted with consent and made public as part of my archtive and work project. Miniimum attendence required to make a talk or a reading happen : 5 interested people discussions, photographs and work made within a setup of consensual and voluntary basis remains part of the project , HENCE part of a Rainer Ganahl projects. Nobody will be represented negatively and no private moments will be recorded or displayed. But I might not be able to accomodate all vanity requests once consent is given. For announced talks and lectures public consnt it inherentlz given for filming and dcumenting.
Flying carpets: ---- online references: the fashion show JULY 6 https://ganahl.info/kw.html // shown first in Museum Pecci, Italy and kunsthalle Vienna, 2018 labor camp works Angels DUST /// this work requires work marx 99 cents plus 25 % tarriffs, 2019