Counting backwards, Approaching the era of Alfred Jarry (1873 - 1907), 2011 Alfred Jarry was a bike maniac and pataphysician - follower of a science based on IMAGINARY SOLUTIONS. Given his science and extending it to arithmetics I propose here a series of works Jarry might have labeled patametrical since they follow his obsession with time and time machines. The count is simple: In order for me to approach his era I simple take a couple of old things -- bike stuff of course -- adding up the time based. An inner tupe from the 1930s ( 80 years), a saddle from the 1940s (70 years old) and a bike fork from the 1970s (40 years) easily ad up to over a hundred year and return us to his 19th century. these works are a quasi-pataphysical attempt to approach Alfred Jarry on the diachronical axis and in line with my I wanna be Alfred Jarry (www.Iwannabealfredjarry.me) works. A Jarryesque patametric time-travel. please. see more about Alfred Jarry.
Counting backwards, Approaching the era of Alfred Jarry (1873 - 1907), 2012 1898 Wolff American tandem wooden bicycle handlebar; 34 T Megagear chainring 1990s / 2000s, short Kryptonite chain (produced since 1971; this is a left over part of a broken chain)
Counting backwards, Approaching the era of Alfred Jarry (1873 - 1907), 2011
Counting backwards, Approaching the era of Alfred Jarry (1873 - 1907), 2011 1898 Wolff American male-male tandem bicycle fork; International Trade Center UNCTAD/GATT, The Markets for Bicycles and Components, Geneva 1978; 19th century silver print photograph with woman rider in special bike confirm clothing;
Counting backwards, Approaching the era of Alfred Jarry (1873 - 1907), 2011 materials:
Counting backwards, Approaching the era of Alfred Jarry (1873 - 1907), 2011 Roberta A. Smith, A Social History of the Bicycle, Its Early Life and Times in America, American Heritage Press, 1972; Victorian period photograph with "Mary on her tricycle" (the tricycle depicted was produced in the 1870s, and 1880s); acetylene safety bciycle lamp from the 1920/ 1930s
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Counting backwards, Approaching the era of Alfred Jarry (1873 - 1907), 2011 materials to enclarge, click image click image to enlarge
Counting backwards, Approaching the era of Alfred Jarry (1873 - 1907), 2011 materials:
Counting backwards, Approaching the era of Alfred Jarry (1873 - 1907), 2011 materials:
Counting backwards, Approaching the era of Alfred Jarry (1873 - 1907), 2011 bicycle seat from the 1950; acetylene safety bciycle lamp from the 1920/ 1930s; pre-war bicycle bell bicycle seat from the 1950; acetylene safety bciycle lamp from the 1920/ 1930s; pre-war bicycle bell
Counting backwards, Approaching the era of Alfred Jarry (1873 - 1907), 2011 materials: to enclarge, click image
Counting backwards, Approaching the era of Alfred Jarry (1873 - 1907), 2011 materials: c. 1898 Wolff American male-male tandem project. one orignal pedals, saddle fixture
Counting backwards, Approaching the era of Alfred Jarry (1873 - 1907), 2011 materials: 1890s; wooden bicycle front wheel; Light green glass bottle, "Coventry Mineral Water Company", depicting safety bicycle motif, 8 1/2" HT.; Straight razor (with box), LION CUTLFRY Co., Sheffield Germany, depicts brass era car & bicycle. 6 1/4" L,
Counting backwards, Approaching the era of Alfred Jarry (1873 - 1907), 2011 materials: bicycle inner tube (caoutchouc / natural rubber), 1930s; bicycle saddle (leather and metal fixture) 1940s; bicycle fork (metal)1960/70s
Counting backwards, Approaching the era of Alfred Jarry (1873 - 1907), 2011 materials: 1890s; wooden bicycle back wheel; French book "Annuaire 1892", featuring a variety of bicyle ads; Lamp Parts M. Hall model "S" Solar, Lucas 260 E Colonial. alfred jarry rode a CLEMENT
Counting backwards, Approaching the era of Alfred Jarry (1873 - 1907), 2011 materials: 19th century saddle, ALLSTATW Premium Tire, (age unknown at this point to me), wrentch patented in the year 190
Counting backwards, Approaching the era of Alfred Jarry (1873 - 1907), 2011 Antique wood wheel 28 " Napoleon men's safety bicycle, disassembled with wooden back and front wheel including historicals tubes, two wooden pedals, chain, leather seat and handle bar with wooden and leather grip. (The Napoleon-Jenkins Cycle Company, Chicago, was in business during the years 1895-1898.)
Counting backwards, Approaching the era of Alfred Jarry (1873 - 1907), 2011 Antique wood wheel 28 ", antique 6 function farm or bike wrench, Napoleon bicycle head badge, (The Napoleon-Jenkins Cycle Company, Chicago, was in business during the years 1895-1898.)
Counting backwards, Approaching the era of Alfred Jarry (1873 - 1907), 2011 PRE WAR ANTIQUE WALD REAR RACK CARRIER ELGIN BICYCLE, ANTIQUE SCHWINN BICYCLE TOO
Counting backwards, Approaching the era of Alfred Jarry (1873 - 1907), 2011 FISK tires ad in News papwer, 1933; Sterling Mossberg No. 1 Bicycle Wrench Pat; 1900, Antique Billings & Spencer Bicycle Wrench No. 97
Counting backwards, Approaching the era of Alfred Jarry (1873 - 1907), 2011 Antique Pre-War Troxel style vintage bicycle seat, antique forged wrench buggy truck tractor Bicycle Ite
Counting backwards, Approaching the era of Alfred Jarry (1873 - 1907), 2011 Antique Bicycle Brampton 1/2 pitch chain
see also:VINDEX see also CLEVELAND
more works to come
big lot 4 bikes: