
Vitamin, Torino


Bicycling FIAT - The Lingotto Fiat Factory 1921 - 2007, Turin

10 min

TheLingotto Fiat Factory, build in the 1920s is not only a masterpiece of industrial architecture but also an utopian embracement of car manufactoring in Europe. The factory has a racing course on the roof that was used until the 1980s for testing cars before the factory was decommissioned. Today the factory is a shopping and entertainment center with a hotel and many other facilities, hence in line with the fate of manifacturing in a globalised world. (work is outsourced and workers made into consumers ) "La pista" as it is called in Italian has no particular use and is closed to the public because the racing track is in bad condition. I was able to get access and bicycle several turns to finally decend on the caroussel end of the factory.








