index (this site is unedited and may contain writing mistakes) Rainer Ganahl : Iraq dialogs with Ghazi Al Delaimi. Idea and conception for this dialog Rainer Ganahl. Arabic texts and caligraphy Ghazi Al Delaimi. Ceramic studio: Ernan, Albisola
Works made in ceramics in Italy for the 2nd International Biennial of Ceramics in Contemporary Art, Albisola,(Fall 2003) organized by Tiziana Casapietra and Roberto Constantino. Ceramic Studio: Ernan, Albisola. Graphic assistance by: Alida Sini and Gianna Vacca My concept for this work consisted in taking logos, titles and other interface elements from News Broadcasts concerning the current Iraq crisis and offering them to a person from Iraq to respond. Usually, these logos are associated with US network news and can be confrontational, aggressive if not even cynical, arrogant and scary: NEXT TARGET?, SHOWDOWN IRAQ, WOULD U.S. USE NUKES? etc. My next step was to search for an Iraqi calligrapher that would be willing to work with me and respond in his own way to my proposals. I was lucky and able to find Ghazi Al Delaimi who was born in Badgad but lives today in Duesseldorf with a formation as a calligrapher and graphic designer.He also works as a painter and a sculptor. Over several weeks in Winter of 2002/03 we have exchanged images which he responded to: the process of our exchange can be seen below. All the sentences written in Arabic are entirely conceived by Ghazi Al Delaimi and don't show any input by me. I didn't try to influence or censor his responses. These are entirely Ghazi's views and statements. I myself do share with Ghazi a firm opposition to war with Iraq and a clear rejection for any neo-colonial attitudes and US unilateralism, though" Ghazi Al Delaimi's words are not my words. You can read my idea about the current Bush Administration's foreign and national politics in the section "text" or click here.
f The 6 main works for the Biennial are 80 x 100 cm and are at the time of the updating of my web site not yet finished except one. Therefore you will find reproductions of unburned works. The 80 x 100 cm works for the Biennial are entirely executed with the help of an illustrator who enlarged and transferred my visuals to the tiles. The calligraphy was entirely executed by Ghazi Al Delaimi.
During the time in the factory I was able to produce myself more than 10 smaller pieces myself without the help of a professional painter assisting me. I myself am only a conceptual artist and have no formal training in drawing or painting. The results are below and differ from larger pieces that were done with the hands of a professional. For more questions on this work please contact me by clicking index and rainer ganahl. Albisola,
here are first finished results: smaller sketches not to be included in the Biennial. The drawings are done by RG without the help of a illustrator. For the works for the Biennal, please, scroll down. (PS: all the works are finished by now, but at the moment of photographing that wasn't the case =- please, do not reproduce without asking me for the exact crediting and naming of all the participants for the realization of this work)
America at War, The Latest, 2003 50 x 60 cm, burnt ceramic tiles, no edtion translation from Arabc: Why does America want warr?
Target Iraq,TheLatest, 2003 60 x 50 cm, burnt ceramic tiles, no edition translation: The Americans and the English will drown in Iraqi oil Ghazi Al Delaimi and RainerGanahl working
Next targett, 2003 30 x 40 cm, burnt ceramic tiles, no edition translation: Irak, Iran and Syria
Would the US use nukes?, 2003 30 x 40 cm, burnt ceramic tiles, no edition translation: America wants to pollute the environment
Would the US use nukes?, 2003 30 x 40 cm, burnt ceramic tiles, no edition translation: Beautiful writing is an expression of harmony and peace s
LIVE, 2003 40 x 50 cm, ceramic tiles, no edition translation: peace, for the people of Iraq
Homefron Security, 2003 40 x 50 cm, ceramic tiles, no edition translation: And who is granting security to Iraq?
Road to War, Marines go to work, 2003 50 x 60 cm, ceramic tiles, no edition translation: America is on the way to war and war is a catastrophe
Twisting Turkey's Arm, Countdwon Iraq, 2003 50 x 60 cm, ceramic tiles, no edition translation: America pressures weak countries to push for its illegitime interests.
Live, Baghdad, Sports, 2003 70 x 90 cm, ceramic tiles, no edition translation: Bagdad is the city of peace. this work isn't burnt yet at the moment of photographing
translation: peace for the Iraqi people burnt yet
translation: Those who think of war have the devil as partner. burnt yet
translation: America loves war because it doesn't know what kind of destruction it causes. war is destruction and peace is security burnt yet
works for the Biennial: working process: 1. rainer ganahl sending images from NYC to Düsseldort 2. response by Ghazi Al Delaimi 3. work made in Albisola
translation: America wants this war in order to demonstrate its latest weapons of destructive . not burnt yet
translation: A disgusting smear campaign against Iraq built on lies not burnt yet
Translation: Bush doesn't know anything about Iraq and its cultural heritage. He has no clue about the old city of Baghdad once names Mdinet-al-salam : city of peace.
translation: America makes the Iraq people hunger in order to render the rich Americans even richer (and more fatter).
translation: Bush and his father will enter history as war criminals against the iraq people and as scrupelless destroyer of the environment deploying radioactive weappons. not burnt yet
translation: war games for silly big boys unfinished a t the moment of photographing