KUNSTVEREIN NEUHAUSEN / Fildern / Stuttgart Kuratorin: Susanne Jakob thanks to Joshua Meillier, Nino Maaskola, Firma Ansmann (e-bike lender), and everybody involved in this project. Special thanks also to my interview partners from the cummunity of Neuhausen /Fieldern and in particular to the mayor Ingo Hacker, who gave the final OK for this temporary test that implied a change in the traffic order of the cummunity.
PART I bitte auf das Manifest klicken um es zu vergrößern !
Neuhausen's implementation was a temporary project and the road markings were therefore in orange (temporary) and not in white (permanent)
Discussions with local politishian leading up to the implementation of a 50 % bikeway and the necessary change in traffic rules Bikeways Gespräche, Neuhausen auf den Fildern - 6 Video Interviews
WAS DENKEN SIE ZUR BIKEWAY IDEE ? / WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT THE BIKEWAY IDEA ? interactive drawing, ink, pen, pencil.. etc.
the e-bike was lent to us by HANEMANN and is available to the visitors for test rides
BYD / Mercedes-Benz, 2011
see film Étant donné - Use a Bicycle - a black and white 16 mm film, 2011 /installation
La Passion considérée comme course de cöte /The passion of Christ as an uphill bicycle race / Die Passion Christi als Bergradrennen /
I wanna be Alfred Jarry / bell, 2010
PERPETUAL MOTION FOOD / BIKE DICK / SADDLE , 2012 wood perpetualmotionfood.com drawings ink drawings. A3, 2012 (please, note. the penise is shaped in the form of a bicylce saddle )
this series of fast life ink drawings of mine are the result of a performance reflecting the fact that Alfred Jarry was portrayed by Henri Rousseau (Le Doanier) which Jarrydestroyed. (drawings made by my assistant for this project, Joshua Meillier)
performance : I wanna be Alfred Jarry / Henri Rousseau (Le Douanier), 2012 (Le Douanier made a portrait of Alfred Jarry, though Jarry destroyed it since he didn't like it - hence my attempt to recreate it)