seminar/lectures - photographes, since 1995 ongoing language projects - mixed media, since 1993 ongoing Basic Chinese - since 1999 reading projects - mixed media, since 1993 ongoing language of emigration - mixed media, since 1999 ongoing
COMME des MARXISTS - a fashion project MIC - Mask Integrated Clothing - the futur is here Outsourcing Kunert, Synthetic, Austria, 1960s / 2013 karl marx dressing UP, 2012
EL MUNDO -opera AIDA- opera
bike projects - mixed media, since 2001 ongoing alfred jarry projects - mixed media, since 2006 ongoing giorgio morandi project - oil painting and video the passion considered an uphill bicycle race - film, objects, drawings, photographs the apprentice in the sun - drawings, neon, video pigs - yes, pigs... - drawings, paintings, films and performances
credit crunch projects - mixed media, since 2008 - as long as the crisis lasts dadalenin projects - mixed media, since 2001 ongoing karl marx projects - mixed media, since 1998 ongoing 'the condition of the working class project' - mixed media holzwege - wooden pathes to nowhere - wood carving, and more
shopping projects - mixed media ebay ethnography - photographs of the philippines 1905, not exceeding $30 USD ceci n'est pas une pipe project - mixed media fontanaganahl - works on alluminum paper, porcelaine, video
tea party projects - mixed media including porcelaine and drawings, since 2010 ongoing 'having proper tea with' projects - photograph and drawing, since 2010 ongoing jewelry projects - bronx and porcelain objects, drawings
'I wanna be chinese' projects - mixed media, since 1999 ongoing byd / mercedes benz project - performance, video 'i wanna be chinese' - (dinghi )video The apprentice in the sun - neon, drawings, video
freud money & dream project - drawings money, money ... - mixed media éant donnés .... - street version, bike machine version, Jesus version, 16 mm version... mixed media conflicts, protests, wars ... - mixed media
t-shirts - t-shirts, , since 1994 ongoing afghan dialogs - embroideries iraq dialogs - works in ceramics and on paper news paintings - paintings, since 2004 ongoing war on terror - drawings, stamps,
email errors - drawings don't ... - drawings neons - neons
more works to be listed soon
early works - mixed media
---------------------------- WEB SITES www.ganahl.info