PIGS (economics) PIGS: Portugal, Italy, Greece and Spain A graph showing the economic data from Portugal, Italy, Ireland, Greece, Spain (PIIGS), Germany, the EU and the Eurozone for 2009. The data is taken from Eurostat.
Porca miseria, 2013 - neon - cm15 x100. edition 1/6
DER SCHWEINEHIRT, 2012 - 16 mm film (in the making) Der Schweinehirt / The Swineherd, 2012 - 16mm film
Painting a Pig Head in Front of a Giorgio Morandi, Bologna 2012
STILL LIFE / CRUNCH LIFE, GIORGIO MORANDI, NATURA MORTA, 1955 / PIG HEAD - - oil painting, pig head NATURA MORTA / ECONOMIA MORTA , GIORGIO MORANDI , NAUTRA MORTA, 1955 / TESTA DI MAIALE .painting,wooden base, alluminum foil, photoraph, and pig head, 2012 (a pig head may be present but doesn't have to be present for obvious reasons, the base with the alluminum foil has to be present)
PIGHEAD - Trying to portrait a pig's head with a dozen ink brush drawings, 2011
Credit Crunch Meal . Performa , Jack Hanley Gallery, New York 2011 |