rainer ganahl , 1998 ( was supposed to become a book - which didn't work
out.. the erman text is here:
public discourse and private realm
The history of the formation of the public sphere is a historsy of democracy.
It converges with the history of bourgeois society and its means of transportation,
communication and production. A history of the public sphere and public
discourse is also a history of politics, class antagonisms, institutional
conflicts, legislation and opposing interests. It is a history of battles
concerning education, information and censorship as well as the social
order. The most fundamental attempt to analyse the phenomenon of the public
sphere/discourse both structurally and historically was undertaken approximately
40 years ago by Jürgen Habermas in his book Transformation of the
Structure of Society . About a decade later Oskar Negt and Alexander Kluge
wrote the book, The Public Sphere and Experience: On the bourgeois and
proletarian public sphere. In the early 70's Richard Sennett engaged in
a study of public expression entitled, The Fall of Public Man which investigated
the psycho-social aspects of the public and private realm since the eighteenth
Today, when one searches a German library catalog via the internet with
the key-word Öffentlichkeit an array of similar titles comes up:
Public Work and Advertising, Handbook of PR Agencies, Communications Management
and Perspectives in PR. The Practice of Social Marketing, etc. Apart from
publications that deal directly with the engineering of the public domain
for the purposes of selling and manipulation, one finds only few books
like the following: Concepts of the Public sphere (3. Lüneburger
Kolloquium zur Medienwissenschaft, 1993) Mostly, they tackle the subject
of media science: The Media and Politics, Local Broadcast and Public Urban
Works, High-Tech: Offensive Information, Industrial Communication. These
publications - all German titles from a German on-line library catalog
- are not only indicative of the relatively small interest in critical
discourse on the subject of the public sphere, but also of the ambiguity
and complexity of this amorphous, once-politicized bourgeois category
that has undergone astonishing change. Checking the New York Public library
with the subject Public Sphere, I get only Your entry
public sphere would be here, followed by Public Speaking Washington
DC 1960 - 1969 Lctgm, Public Squares -- see -- Plazas, Public
Statement Gordon John Henry, Public Television etc.. The German
word Öffentlichkeit is difficult to translate into English since
the meaning is broader than merely "public sphere", "public
discourse", or "public realm" and so forth. In my translation
from German I will switch between these terms, and sometimes use the German
term. This indicates the conceptual differences in understanding and producing
public discourse.It isnotwithout significance that the literal translation
of the word Öffentlichkeit would be "publicity".
Paradoxically, the collapse of the term public sphere into
marketing and media - from both a factual and linguistic point
of view, something that is even more apparent in German than in English
- points back to the origins of the public sphere in the modern sense:
the beginning of a differentiated society whose members exchange goods
and services among themselves and for whom information is essential. The
exchange of information emerged alongside the traffic of money and commodities
and had to challenge the constraints instituted by local guild-dominated
systems of power. Before the decisive moment of making information public,
early newspapers - which in Venice were written by scrittori d'avisi,
in Rome by gazettani, in Paris by nouvellistes,
and in London by writers of letters - were first edited and
read, albeit irregularly, by various business people and their news centers
but were never published. The commodification of news took place later.
Old Truths were mixed with new facts that took
on the character of signs and miracles. One could barely distinguish between
natural , historico-political, religious and techno-economic incidents.
But at this point commercial relationships were not yet institutionalized
by the political and military forces of the state. The state had to first
take the form of a bureaucratic, military, political and economic entity,
the functioning of which required information, news and a certain public
reflection. The installation of a power-monopoly, the commercialization
of the society, the creation of an administration based on the separation
of powers, and the development of supra-regional infrastructures for the
transportation of persons, goods and information were part of the development
of new monopoly powers that then consolidated into state apparatuses.
Feudal, private, single-family bound governance became public,
state ruled by means of a new social order that was characterized
by complicated interdependencies and the abstract regulation of functions.
The presentation and interpretation of old and new truths
that traditionally belonged to competing local forces - churches, courts,
cities, guilds - changed considerably with the social, political, and
technical development of the formation of the state.
Norbert Elias shows in his studies on the socio-genesis of the state how
power translated into abstract functions. In the place of wars between
free and single warriors fighting over a single territory, a new competition
emerged which depended on controlled and detailed information. Transparency,
public information and representational power became decisive factors
for governance. They played an increasingly central role in a society
characterized by an institutionalized order in which power became more
public. In the state apparatus where functions were divided, the arbitrariness
of power turned into law and police force. The attributes national
(staatlich) and public became exchangeable, observable, and
controllable. A society that organized itself capitalistically required
debates and fights for transparency. Public debates over decision-making
were necessary for reasons of efficiency and mutual control in a modern
state system.
The process from a precapitalist context of traffic and exchange to colonialism,
from feudal order to the dominance of capitalistic production in factories,
was accompanied by the production of a public sphere and public discourse,
whose protagonists originated in the bourgeoisie. Because of the professionalism,
the orientation towards the marketplace and their exchange of goods, people
and information, the bourgeoisie was better qualified than the aristocracy
with their privileges and feudal monopolies to represent the state. In
order to fulfill these functions and to protect interests, information,
education, critical discourse and public accessability were prerequisites.
Alongside the marketplace, a public press developed out of earlier information
practices. Information became a profitable commodity. This press knew
how to seperate, articulate and analyse social, technical and literary
topics. With the help of an emerging Öffentlichkeit (public discourse),
controlled and regulated by censorship, the subjects (people) turned into
an audience that also demanded constitutional rights.
The press, as an extended and effective organ of the public sphere, therefore
developed as an instrument of power and administration for which one had
to fight. Since the modern state turned into a complex and unapprehendable
apparatus run and influenced by administrators, law-makers, officers,
professors, doctors, merchants and other members of the educated classes
comprising the kernel of the new bourgeoisie, the socio-economic status
of the craftsmen became degraded along with the influence of their cities.
The difference between the government and the governed was no longer absolute.
The state itself became more and more a public issue, a process for which
the press has been adequately transformed. Public force in the form of
regulation, laws, decisions, tax bills, and so on was turned into a public
issue in the press and debated in salons, coffee houses, clubs and bars.
Because of a revolution in the means of production and transportation,
massive demographic shifted and a decline in the level of self-sufficiency,
the dependence on supraregional, national and international markets beame
a reality. Tax, marketplace and customs-related decisions and resolutions
of all types begin to encroach upon private households. The interest to
control and influence, to extract advantages, freedoms and concessions
from the state bureaucracy through the instrument of the press was therefore
understandable. The public sphere became, like the state, a matter of
the bourgeoisie even if a long history of censorship and control of the
press and the educated public unfold before the formation of relatively
liberal democracies.
One of the many manifestations of the classic bourgeois public sphere
consisted in the reading revolution - a term coined by Friedrich
Schlegel - that reflected the nationalization of culture with its national
literature, national theater and national museums. This became particularly
important in the territories that later became Germany - on which the
following focuses even if similar developments are recognizable in other
European countries. The German Enlightenment (Aufklärung) produced
a Bildungselite, an educated elite, which distinguished itself from an
aristocracy that was oriented towards France. It was composed of higher-level
public servants, professionals, doctors, educators, lawyers, theologians,
intellectuals, publishers and entrepreneurs. These professional groups
characterized by an increased mobility, high degee of administration and
priveledges, a relatively closed relationship with the modern state, awakened
an engagement for the public discourse (Öffentlichkeit). Since the
middle of the 18th century the new public sphere with its circulating
educational ideals (Bildungsideale) of the Enlightment took on a purposeful
rationale for a supra-regional, identity-providing communication network
utilized by the new professional state burocrats and administrators. The
state and university language became German rather than French or Latin
and could have an impact on its new anonymous public. With the fast development
of accessible printing, communication mostly printed, the general alphabetization
of the people during the period of "Enlightened Absolutism",
and the spreading of city and rural libraries helped to quickly develop
a reading revolution. A general reading fury - Lesewut, a
historical term - emerged and divided the public into readers of good
and bad taste, of smart literature or trival
entertainment. Social, financial and educational differences became
equated with esthetics within the bourgeois sphere. Vivid and public debates
evolved over esthetic judgements. Reading and the resultant communication
process granted to everybody, independent of class, income, religion or
citizenry, participation in the increasingly dominant bourgeois public
sphere. The socialization of the regularily reading Bildungsbürger,
the educated citizen, guaranteed a certain homogeneity of this social
strata, which was organizing in many reading clubs, language societies,
intellectual circles etc. They gained a public voice and power not easily
The meaning of Öffentlichkeit, of public sphere/discourse, continually
changes with the rendering public of power, its organs, institutions and
media. Public discourse is not power or the limit of power itself, but
the medium of power and control. Öffentlichkeit is a medium, in which
the character of power and control reflects, mutates and controlls itself.
The etymology of this word is interesting as well: in England, Public
meant first common good. Until the 17th century Private
meant privilege and possession of a high position in government. Only
from the 18th century on does an opposition between public
and private occur in a contemporary sense. In France, it was
le public that changed from common good to an
elite theatre audience in the 17th century. Public life differed
from private life particularily in the 18th century. Public
life had to correspond to a civil code and private life
to a natural code, meaning family. Beginning in the 18th century, Grimm's
dictionary includes the germanized term Publikum, as the audience, a judging,
reading and theater-going public, whose opinions gained Öffentlichkeit,
public exposure, and were of public interest. From the second half of
the 18th century on there appears the German term öffentliche Meinung
for public opinion. Today, the realms of public and private
are very collaborative and interwined. Work and health are defined as
private, although the conditions of health or work are of public interest
and dependent upon public and political decision making. However, with
the growth of yellow journalism political and public discussions are crowded
out and people are consumed with and adicted to scandals and political
soap operas with footage extracted, by unscrupulous means, from the private
lives of politicians. But these polemic remarks shouldn't end in a conspiracy
Adorno sees Öffentlichkeit as something that is not already given,
but has to be produced. It is seen as something limited by material interests
and institutions. This production of Öffentlichkeit, of public discourse,
of public opinion, is essential for a functioning democracy, for a transparent
polity and an instructed citizenry. In this production there are also
industries involved linked to interests other than democratic ones. On
one hand you have the media industry, which is gathering, producing, manipulating
and interpreting information, on the other hand you have lobbying, the
manipulation and purchasing of political influence. Decisions concerning
the social and communal well-being of individuals are increasingly set
in the non-transparent, corporate realm and are shuttered away from any
direct or indirect political influence. Neo-liberal, pseudo-free market
laws with internal decision-making committees in corporate high-rises
and in cyber conference rooms are increasingly substituted for what was
once political consensus building. Public platforms are pushed away or
reduced to farce. For example, the state-controlled social security systems
in Europe are doing business differently than the non-state privatized
one when they go public at the stock exchange. 40 years ago,
Habermas could still complain that the state-controlled sector of society
and the corporate sector of the state are intertwined without the public
being aware of this relationship, thus erasing a critical public. Today
that danger lies less in the beaurocracy of the state than in the fact
of the state turning itself into a private sector business down to the
last function. This consequently renders public control not just impossible
but, ineffective. In many cases political decisions are bought and pushed
through by non-public lobbying assisted by variously interpreted results
from public opion polls.
What is decribed as a breakdown of Öffentlichkeit is a transformation
of the bourgeois public sphere. The critical public is turning into passive
consumers, stay-at-home voters, a tv-audience which is fought over and
manipulated by publicity campaigns, and whose behavior is continualy calculated
in polls done by media corporations (CNN, CBS etc.). It is increasingly
a manipulated Öffentlichkeit that reflects the interests of international
corporations, TNCs, and their share holders. In contrast, capital goes
"public" on the stock markets. Media corporations commodify
critical thinking, selling it in terms of ratings, or in media speach:
"delivering eyeballs." Today's mergers and acquisitions strategy
knows no conflict of interest. In news and talk shows, the manifacturing
of consent, is planned down to every detail, adjusted to a mass
public that is targeted by levels of spending power and integrated in
a depoliticized media landscape made of advertising, information and entertainment.
It is striking to observe how even cultural activities and private lives
that are in no direct relationship to TV-programming and mass markets
are now dominated by the logic of ratings, by selling numbers, by overall
profits and media presence. Pierre Bourdieu investigated in his books
on the effects of television precisely these mechanisms. He shows how
the mass media influences the actions and the psychology of protagonists
in the cultural, intellectual and scientific arenas that are thought of
as autonomous. Bourdieu shows how certain authors and scientists are getting
to a point where they write books merely for the purpose of being invited
to TV talk shows (The same ones love to analyse the media in return).
Cultural products which don't fit the formula of mass media and spectacle
because of their content, their means of production and audience, are
lagging behind. Activities that are unfit for event and spectacle logic
have a reduced chance of getting the necessary "critical" mass
of listeners or viewers for their programs. Related to this is the rising
phenomenon of stalking, the harassment of media stars for reasons of aggressive
and hysterical over-identification and for the purpose of receiving hyper-attention.
Even the individual's sense of self, their raison d'être, their
sense in life, seems to be justifiable only through - no matter what kind
- media presence, something that in the end undermines private life. "To
be", is to be in the media, in one of the myriadic fake-Öffentlichkeiten.
Öffentlichkeit or what remains of it has a touch of repressiveness,
a manipulated moment, thus not representing the interests of a critical
public, but rather erasing it.
Richard Sennett's understanding of the public sphere underlines less the
legal, media, ideological and political aspects of this category; rather
he underscores the practical and phenomenological dimensions. He tries
to construct a model of the public sphere that is free from the terror
of intimacy of the family deprived of function and weakened in authority.
The public sphere is seen as a quasi-aesthetic place, where the senses
are free, where the work of the eyes and silence can unfold
and where people are not subject to the laws of transparency, rationality
and consumption. Sennett articulates, as an urbanist, a very specific
critic on urbanism, on the layout of architecture and its use. Like Habermas
and Kluge and Negt who spoke of public bastions of consumption,
Sennett too sees a problem in the collapse of the public sphere into consumption
in shopping centers and malls. The Germans see this more as an ideological-political
issue - the terms are fake-Öffentlichkeit, fake-freedom,
reification, economic dependancy, etc. - and the American (Sennett) as
a psychological, practical one. Unused urban surfaces and public spaces
are disappearing, converted increasingly into malls and advertising space,
linked to the entertainment and recreational industries: the public sphere
as themepark, as shopping-city, as BigMac diplomacy. Most of the subway
and train stations in Tokyo, for example, are shopping malls, miles of
seductive commercial labyrinths for spending and consuming, where boutiques
and supermarkets alternate with gambling salons (Patchinkos), bars, clubs,
cinemas, discos and other varieties of entertainment. The fascinating
and oppressive juxtaposition of architecture, urban landscape, media and
commodities corresponds to a libidinal economy, one which doesn't receive
its raw materials from the simple needs, the informal, unforced desire
of people to communicate and exchange, but from the effects of artificially-induced
pressure for consumption, for ominpresent advertising campaigns and for
the monopolization of offers without alternatives. To be, is to shop -
shopping as the omnipresent paradigm of presence, which is not just limited
to the world of commodities but also touches on all services, including
education, health, traveling, dwelling, living and loving.
When it comes to media, authors and commentators tend towards totalizing
statements, which don't leave any room for alternatives or new forms of
a critical public sphere/discourse - alternatives which don't mourn over
the disappearance of the bourgeois literary public sphere and don't believe
the message of a new world order. Before the bourgoisie consolidated,
after having defeated the deprived, uneducated, reduced to mere manifacturing
work, empoverished and socially uproot masses in the 1848 upheavals, Karl
Marx drafted a political vision according to which socio-economic conflicts
would translate into a politically revolutionary public sphere. Around
the same time, parts of the public sphere were transformed into repressive
control instruments, provoking the emergence of a counter-public sphere
(Gegenöffentlichkeit). Habermas speaks in his introduction to his
draft on the dominant beourgoisie of a plebean public sphere.
This becomes the main subject of Oskar Negt and Alexander Kluge in their
book of 1972, Öffentlichkeit und Erfahrung. Zur Organisationsanalyse
von bürgerlicher und proletarischer Öffentlichkeit (Public sphere
and experience: An analyisis of organisation of the bourgeois and proletarian
public sphere.) Kluge and Negt reconstruct the dialectic of the kind of
public sphere that has turned fetishistic and which excludes substantial
life interests. The authors develop the dialectical-materialist terms,
public sphere and counter-public sphere. They see in Öffentlichkeit
a crystallized point of experience and ideology, which is dominated by
new conglomerates composed of programming industries, of advertising and
the PR of corporations and administrations. The two authors are investigating
the possibility, to contest the use of the state by the dominant
class. They are looking into the "use value of Öffentlichkeit"
for workers and other under-represented groups, and declare the public
sphere as a fundamental need for the entire society.
Kluge and Negt deliver a history of protest movements and communicative
counter-systems of the last 200 years producing an effective counter public
sphere that is, unfortunatly, too often unrecognized. Included in this
are labor unions, strikes, illegal gatherings, demonstrations, insurrections,
revolts, factory occupations, student movements, educational organisations;
protections for the struggles of workers, the unemployed and students;
the formation of women groups, anarchists and pacifists, reading clubs
and informal reading groups of a revolutionary autodidactic culture, workers'
newspapers and any kind of autonomous communication structure that produces
forms of exchange independent of capitalistic commodification and profit
taking. The book gathers impressive materials cataloging these counter
public spheres. It also lists and analyses those facts concerning the
many struggles over communication rights, free press, free speech and
the right to freely gather since the end of the 18th century. There are
very detailed accounts on historic protest formations and on forgotten
protest movements; for example, the Shop Steward Movement in its development,
tactics, effects and counter reactions. This English working movement
in the 19th century produced autonomous cells of resistance against capital
and also against the bureaucracy of unions, that - in their fake-Öffentlichkeit
- were ineffective, because they were too abstract in their dealings with
the movement's base. This Shop Steward Movement followed the failure of
the Chartist movement, which tried to remake all of society into a proletarian
public sphere. They questioned the very logic of a commodity-based, capital-driven
industrial society. This social revolutionary impulse is also inscribed
in Negt and Kluge's book. They state that the historic failure of the
worker movements was due to the inexperience and diletantism in dealing
with a bourgeois public discourse. Contrary to this, in the 20th century,
Hitler's fascism was able to totally appropriate, enhance and instrumentalize
the media organs of the bourgeois sphere into multimedia propaganda.
Kluge and Negt analyze experience and the public sphere as a subject of
the dialectical social production of human relations (Lebenszusammenhänge).
Not just commodities and money-based services are produced, but also experiences,
human relations, values, languages, ideas and representations of history
and presence. The relevant differences in these productions are not only
between public and private, but also between exclusion and inclusion,
representation and non- or misrepresentation. In addition, there are also
the contradictions between capitalist interests and social or ecological
interests, or between non-violent, democratic and coerced, authoritarian
legitimations. Counter public spheres and discourses evolve from these
exclusions, misrepresentations and fake Öffentlichkeiten. These demands
for inclusion and representation are expressed in particular by ethnic
minorities and are articulated as an active politics of representation.
In the Western world, the imaginary spectrum and the expectations regarding,
for example, Africans, Arabs and Asians are a product of a long history
of misrepresentations, which are built into eurocentric and racist histories,
reports, historiographies and analyses. They were related to an aggressive,
imperialist politics of colonization and neo-colonization, and are perpertuated
even now in a less vehement form.
Today, the fight for an inclusive, tolerant public discourse (Öffentlichkeit)
is both a fight over the mass media and a struggle in the media. Their
conglomerates belong to the most outspoken and influential concentrations
of capital; their instruments have an impact on politics. But even in
such a intense and overpowering industrial media complex, one can always
find alternatives and resistances. For example, recall the global broadcast
of a Town Meeting at the University of Ohio organized by the White House
Administration and CNN in order to justify a scheduled military intervention
in Iraq in February 1998. This show was an example of how a public spectacle,
designed as war propaganda under the cover of a fake democratic public
discussion, was transformed into a protest action through the well-orchestrated,
political engagement of students and professors against war in front of
TV cameras. The very eloquent and aggressive protest statements of the
individual speakers and the loud disturbances successively counteracted
all of the government's intentions, an effect that was only possible through
the media but that helped in the consolidation of a front against the
rejection of a second Gulf war.
As this CNN example shows, counter public spheres and discourses (Gegenöffentlichkeiten)
as situational and event-specific efforts can be spontaneous, unexpected
and effective. Gegenöffentlichkeiten do not always have to be logistically
planned and orchestrated, and do not have to fit ideological party thinking.
If a cynical historiography talks about the end of history, not only does
it misinterpret the present as being incapable of consequential actions
and reactions which are historiographically notable, but it also overestimates
the spontaneous, uncoordinated and everyday character of those events,
which then turn into historiographical data. Mass events, class struggles,
factory insurrections, the gunning down of a crown successor or the burning
of books share, as phenomenological facts, their structure with today's
occupations of embassies, border crossings, occupations of houses and
airplanes, and the bombing of abortion clinics, refugee housing or Baghdad.
People will always make their own history and write it, rewrite it and
claim it according to their needs and interests. Even groups that are
consumption-oriented, manifesting themselves in pseudo-critical, aggressive
and pseudo-aggressive youth cultures, fashion and music movements, even
these groups do have moments of protest and counter public discourse.
MTV is one of the most important public voices creating, occupying and
globally broadcasting images of youth and difference, transgressing borders,
languages, cultures and classes. But even within these mega-channels one
can find possibilities for change and resistance. Although their effects
can easily and critically be written off as domesticating, repressive
and uncritical, they should not be dismissed as ineffective, though it
is true that TV and public mass media spheres tend to serve people information
they do not need and withhold from them that which is of greatest concern.
The correlation between critic and consumer is complicated, cryptic, curious,
corrupt and contradictory. On one hand, critique and negativity as a condition
for a counter public discourse needs a medium, one which in most cases
is commodified if it wants to be effective. On the other hand, there is
a danger that critical thinking can turn into consequenceless consumption.
This is the fate of most youth public protest movements: from a certain
point on, they merely entertain the establishment, decorate it and legitimize
it freshly with radical chic. As an example, in Geneva, the well-educated
youth often live in bourgeois, upper-middle class squats. The moment they
break into a house, the occupying group reports it to the police in order
to guarantee the right to use it and to keep it from other squatters.
In some cases, these groups start an investment fund in order to purchase
these run-down houses; this process transforms the student from house
squatters into house owners. This is not unlike the formation of aesthetic
tastes, which are mainly socially defined and experienced: small, productive
protest and alternative communities can very quickly turn into multimedia
mass markets. Even piercing, the penetration of unusual body parts - including
primary and secondary sexual organs - with metal, an act that used to
be practiced mostly in criminal, outlaw and outcast societies, has by
now been domesticated into a fashionable accessory.
Along these lines, Guy Debord denies criticality and authenticity to any
culture of spectacle. In a totalizing way, he tends to denounce almost
any cultural or counter-cultural activity as spectacle. The position of
the Frankfurt School is also mostly negative towards any form of mass
and pop culture, though Adorno's writings are more self-contradicting
and dialectical than they appear when read or quoted out of context; rather,
he appreciated and valued so-called low culture as a useful
tool in order to denounce the demands and the reality of a high culture
which he saw as complicit with the evil, the barbaric and the merely stupid.
The industrialized distribution, reception and consumption of information
is today beyond limits owing to advanced information technology. Counter
cultural impulses are also transmitted via the global network. Aside from
the internet there is a wide range of cheap but effective baby media ranging
from photocopiers, silkscreens, hand held video, audio tape dubbing to
CD burning, software distribution, beepers, cellular phones, instant messaging
technologies, digital audio-visual imaging, and many more. This allows
for subversion and counter-spectacle within the medium of mass media.
For example, MTV started out in the 80s as an all white music channel
that refused black artists, something that has changed drastically in
the 90s, when it began presenting inner-city gangster rap artists and
their violent counter-messages. Audiovisual data are now convertible without
any loss into digital information clusters that - through revolutionary
technologies - allow almost endless compression, storage and transmission
for a simultaneous reception globally. It is remarkable how technology
and shared interests produces autonomous quasi-public spheres that are
challenging legal standards and even rendering them obsolete and anachronistic.
This manifests as individual CD-burning and distribution, free internet-TV,
internet conferences and internet telephone, so-called mailing lists,
hacking and spaming etc. to name just a few examples.
Counter-public spheres are also occurring through practices which are
a mixture of symbolic and purpose-oriented actions. Civil disobedience,
for example can take on many dimensions. It can be peaceful but can end
also in violence and distraction, something that is often the case, when
the police intervene. The tactics and successes of the relatively peaceful
and relatively legal civil disobedience actions in the 60s, 70s and 80s
in Europe and the USA articulated pacifist concerns (against the Vietnam
war, the Gulf war) ecological issues (atomic power, the destruction of
the rain forests, deep sea oil platforms, etc....) and humanitarian, anti-discrimination
concerns (AIDS crisis, black liberation, anti-racism, feminism, gay issues,
police violence, animal rights etc..) . More famous are those groups that
turned radical in their ideology and their actions. They became known
as terrorists. A new form of effective and violent counter public sphere
emerged beginning in the 70s in Germany, Italy, Palestine, Japan, the
USA and other places. It was essential for terrorism to instrumentalize
mass media for their political fight. Terrorism wasn't only just an instrument
for left-wing liberation struggles, but quickly played a role in right-wing
terrorism whose purpose was turn the state into a police state using confusion,
fear and oppression as a instrument. Today, uncivil disobedience and right-wing
terrorism has been mastered by radical reactionaries, as is evidenced
in the bombing of abortion clinics and federal buildings in the USA. The
issue of terrorism and its multifaceted appearance all over the world
is so complex that it cannot be thoroughly discussed here.
The new media produces new forms of digital disobedience, encompassing
a wide spectrum of interventions in networks and data banks. Hacking is
only one form of unwanted and illegal penetration into protected data
infrastructures that is of concern to the public. Digital activism differentiates
itself from profit and trophy oriented data theft. This E-activism with
its electronic-information interventions tries to create critical awareness
concerning security and data-Öffentlichkeit. Electronic activism
(hacktivism) and intervention, ranging from information blockades,
electronic disturbance (spams, for examples) and information publishing
to information distraction, have direct political, ecological and other
consequences. Indeed, the electronic-digital public sphere, information
wars and its global universe is not only an inspiration for recent Hollywood
films- there is no James Bond film without electronic battlefield or theater
- but also a space where new counter-spheres occur in order to influence
and change the existing dominant public sphere. Digital civil disobedience
will have to conform to a variety of creative and hybrid strategies of
the new global technological, political-economical landscapes. It will
contribute to create critical, electronic activist counter public spheres.
It is essential that the creation of Gegenöffentlichkeit will make
use of the entire spectrum of traditional and digital media and strategies
and can so face today's nature of power, capital, politics and the military.
This essay started with Öffentlichkeit - public discourse/sphere
- and then continued with Gegenöffentlichkeit - counter-public discourse/sphere.
Now I would like to discuss what I call Doppelöffentlichkeit, the
world's double on the internet. The internet belongs to the most advanced
forms of electronic media with a public character. It was developed during
the Cold War as mobile, nomadic, non-hierarchical information infrastructure
for the command centers of the US Military. In case of network damage,
information is rerouted without loss. Soon it became also accessible to
science and university users, and that was followed by a creative strata
of colorful users that didn't have any purposes other than information,
expression and personal communication. Parallel to the growth of a mass
market of relatively cheap powerful personal computers, a fast and intensive
communicating cyberculture appeared which understood itself as alternative,
anti-commercial, critical and postmodern. Also attracted to the internet
were many right-wing radicals and anti-social elements together with early
marketers and police surveillance agents. Utopias of a new digital era
were flying as high as internet-related stocks today. The potentially
egalitarian, democratic and public qualities of the medium were praised
in a rather naive way. The relentless improvement of the software and
hardware industry opened up new business carriers. Today the internet
has turned into the global informational organ of the transcapital world.
It is no longer a time of the technophile hello-sentences
and pixel graphics made by enthusiastic students or artists exchanging
messages between Sydney, Halifax, San Diego, Vienna and Budapest in well
announced communicational events with long lasting hours of technical
breakdowns. Today on the internet a corporate world unfolds with its products
and services: E-shopping, E-banking, E-trading in stocks, E-education,
E-entertainment and E-communication. It has also turned into an electronic
industrial workplace, and for many it is business as usual. There is barely
an American company without a web-site or not about to install one. Also
individual users prefer to communicate silently through a modem. The world
of commodities, services and information has found its double, its second
market on the internet.
Like today's shopping centers, malls and entertainment parks create a
public sphere, the internet allows us to speak of Doppelöffentlichkeit,
the public sphere's/discourse's double. It is a corporate Doppelgänger
that doubles every imaginable business environment on-line. Paraphrasing
Ranke, a German historian of the 19th century, on line, technologically
speaking, all are at the same distance to God. Each participant can have
his/her web site without much effort. Each address is reachable independent
of its local distance. A vast amount of data covering the entire spectrum
of knowledge, information, entertainment, services and commodities are
on line and virtually accessible, visible, purchasable. Cybergurus and
media utopists were quick to embrace the new media with an access and
download euphoria. In fact, access to high technologies and the internet
is very problematic. Parts of some continents are barely equipped with
telephones let alone high speed fiber optic networks. Differences within
a technologically existing context are also remarkable. In the USA, where
the internet is propagated by government and reinforced by the economy
as a marketing machine and democratic tool, there still exists a disproportionate
user relationship between African Americans and White Americans. The first
group has less access to the internet but even when computers and internet
access is available to African Americans they use it less frequently then
White Americans. This discrepancy becomes greater when it comes to criteria
like income. The smaller the income of the compared population, the larger
the discrepancy. These comparisons are significant insofar, as these technological
and information specific differences create economic, informational, sexual,
educational and professional disqualifications. Advertising copy and TV
ads just list URL addresses. Banks justify the closure of less used branches
in the US with the argument of on line services for most of their business
A public sphere is, in spite of the potentials of these technologies,
only partially realized. It is only achieved where economic and social
conditions guarantee everybody the same potential for access, something
that isn't available when it comes to the internet and the technologizing
of the entire society. Concerning government, fiscal and police regulations
the internet is so far relatively untouched, something that will drastically
change if the technology becomes pervasive, economically viable and embraced
by the mass public. Changes over on line fiscal policy are already being
programmed and reinforced daily as I am writing.
Apart from the access to the internet that re-inscribes social, economic,
cultural, sexual and ethnic differences, the quality of information in
this originally quite electronic net has gone through a change itself
over the few years of its existence. It has turned noisy, going from a
text-oriented, relatively simple interface landscape that consisted of
dialog oriented bulletin boards to a loud, multi-media, multi-dimensional
mega-spectacle. Within seconds, the internet fulfills the needs of specialized
nuclear or animal researchers, the discussion groups of people waiting
for organs or airplane tickets, and the audio-visual desires of unusual
sexual or religious practitioners. The principally democratic and dialogically
structured information network, which could serve as a real basis for
a participatory and critical public sphere, has transformed into a consumer
oriented neo-liberal bazaar whose participants, more isolated then ever
before, are exchanging services and goods for credit card numbers and
secret codes while leaving behind statistical material for individual
Indeed, even if nobody aims directly at the relationship of buying and
consuming, the inherent hierarchies of desires and offerings in the non-electronic
world have doubled. Here one speaks of Doppelöffentlichkeit, the
public realm's double. It is the big media and corporate world that is
counting the most mouse clicks on the internet. They purchase without
limits all those initiatives and businesses that show up on a screen as
content providers. People try with a variety of strategies to align the
pleasant chaos, the nameless multiplicity of things, back into transparent,
consumer-friendly information blocks of the old corporate mega-providers
with internet portals. Big names, big turnovers, big overview, big connections,
big exclusions and high stock prices. Portals don't just allow mass consumer
access the gigantic consumer universe but also pre-determine the orientation
for mall like shopping with links to famous labels. Competitors whose
addresses are not inscribed into these access landscapes fall out. Profit
and consumer oriented behavior has to give in to market logistics. Participatory
communication projects that focus on critical discourses and that are
dependent on the participation and the texts of unpaid readers/writers
become increasingly difficult. Creating communities in a new diasporic
electronic public sphere must be a viable, desirable and liberating alternative,
bringing together individuals and groups which until the arrival of the
internet couldn't communicate due to spatial, social, temporal and communicative
The issue of the Öffentlichkeit gains an additional aspect on the
internet along with other digital interactive media. The medium allows
the tracking and analysis of each mouse click. Complex and highly detailed
visitor profiles can be detected and constructed through movements on
the net like that created with credit card usage information. So-called
cookies are offered. These are mini-programs transferred into a user's
computer that prepare and administrate the next visit to a site. These
cookies can grow into cupcakes or blobs (Binary Large Objects) and may
provide with the help of the total digital profile some plausible, personal
data that is useful if not enticing to selective media buyers benefiting
advertisers, insurance companies, banks, job researchers, health care
providers and eventually also the government and the police. What are
your problems, diseases, interests, desires, religious and sexual orientation,
contacts, etc.? The old terrorist profile search methods of the 70s in
Germany looks dilettantish compared to today's digital profile construction
methods. Through mere participation, private use of these technologies
turns public, i. e. publicly or semi-publicly re-applicable. It shouldn't
make anybody wonder why Microsoft bought Firefly Networks Inc., the leading
software producer in the field of filter technologies and in the production
of visitor profiles. These technologies will provide the techno-social
environment with registration and measurement sensors. The information
of built-in GPS - Global Positioning System - into mobile phones delivers
not only evidence in murder cases through the mere reception of any phone
call which the culprit receives near the site of the crime, but is also
accessible for any consumer, concerned parent, or jealous partner . Also,
more and more digital telephone receptionists greet the caller automatically
with their name and their identification codes (for example, account numbers,
insurance numbers, etc.) that gets activated through the calling telephone
number. In the moment of connection, all data of the calling party is
pulled up and available in detail without any delay. It is no wonder that
opinion researchers that are essentially influencing the formation of
public opinion - politically as well as economically - are also resorting
to internet technologies that allow them in a Borgesian way to gather
without delay statistical data from a population almost equal to the total
Private protection is becoming with today's and tomorrow's digital information
technologies almost a farce. Private means under the new industrial
norm information not for further use, while public,
accordingly, stands for information for use. Today, the individual
doubles oneself , taking on - as mentioned - a shadowy data body, an info-doppelgänger,
present in surveillance and bureaucracy. Doppelöffentlichkeit therefore
doesn't point just to the doubling of the consumer and communication reality
on the internet but also to an electronic data omnipresence. Today, participation
in the public sphere is represented by the mouse click on the internet,
the use of telephones, computers, credit cards, medical drugs, transports
and many other services. Simultaneously, population profiles are created.
Now, an unlimited amount of people can be observed, quantified and finally
manipulated individually into its smallest and most intimate movements,
even down to their genetic information. The compilation and use of demographic
data has been happening since the 17th century and is now in the form
of public polls dominating modern election processes, public opinion and
political praxis. What can be mourned in the traditional sense as loss
in the public sphere (Öffentlichkeitsverlust) is compensated through
polls and filter data banks. The miniaturization and immaterialization
of technologies permit the users, 365 days a year, 24 hours a day, to
carry their digital assistants and work platforms with them. Cyborg theories
are even talking of implanted technologies. This renders each participant
permanently reachable, ready for contact and therefore also public and
controllable. Schools and universities should start to teach students
the conscious and careful use of data and technologies in order to develop
counter strategies. But factually speaking, it is more likely that babies
and children will become accustomed to being observed by surveillance
cameras in kindergardens, preschools and schools rather than pupils and
students questioning these surveillance techniques.
introdctuion to the book -
Introduction - It is upsetting...It is upsetting to look at a table of
newly published books in Paris commenmorating the 30th anniversary of
the events of 1968: Whether interviews with protagonists, historical analysis,
simple narration, visual material or graffiti, these mostly well-made
books cost far too much. They are electronically protected against shoplifting.But
it is far more upsetting and disturbing when I see books by Julia Kristeva
that are soliciting un nouveau sacré, the new sacred.
Revolt is for Kristeva no longer considered political upheaval, a fundamental
expression paired with action for freedom and liberty that can break oppression
and undo a repressive status quo. Rather, she reinterprets revolt as something
intimate, private and psychoanalytical. The books I am referring to are
Contre la depression nationale and Les femmes et le
sacré, and are placed not far from the new arrivals on the
events of 1968. The position she takes in her latest books reiterates
what she said in the interview included in this volume. I am highly opposed
to her reinterpretion of revolt and of her stance against politics and
feminism. Because Julia Kristeva is often associated with the radical
political and feminist positions I find it very important to initiate
a broader discussion of these issues, something I had tried to do with
a critical discussion about her via the internet.
Contrary to this discrepancy between the events and their comodification,
there is also some new activity on the French book market . There is a
series of very cheap books - between 10 and 30 FF, barely the price a
sandwich or a newspaper. Their contents are also encouraging and politically
engaged. Unlike jaded '68 protagonists such Baudrillard, who now has another
career publicly denouncing the effects of resistance to oppression, these
new books by Pierre Bourdieu and a group of far less known but socially
conscious authors are stimulating and affirm the importance of independent,
socially and politically committed publishing houses. Once liberal and
critical publishing houses are falling prey to new marketing strategies
and take-overism. Today, it is not a critical or literary view that determines
whether something goes to print, but its selling potential, as the neo-liberal
market thinks of itself as omnipotent and invincible.
It is also upsetting that the student revolt in Indonesia - which was
taking place when I began writing this in the summer of 1998 - had severe
racist dimensions. Students and workers were not just revolting against
the oppressive regime of Suharto but were also burning and vandalizing
the shops of the Chinese minority living in the country. Despite these
contradictions, I would like to underscore that organized and justified
resistance works even in these so-called post-historic and
neo-liberal, bankocratic societies. No regime lasts forever
has turned into an advertising slogan of an US phone company. But in spite
of its appearance as a commercial, it is also true: oppression and injustice
can be overthrown. In the case of Indonesia, the successful (and unfortunately
bloody) student upheaval was well-documented by the media. In the non-western
world, however, Gil Scott Heron's poetic projection that the revolution
will not be televised always was reality - that is, until global
Western investments changed things. Revolts and student protests went
mostly unreported and gained very limited media recognition. A lot has
been written and published about the events of 1968 in Paris, Frankfurt,
Berlin and Berkeley. But one forgets the many students and young rebels
around the world - from South America to Africa to Asia - who also lost
their lives but went unseen by international television cameras and news
My visit to Paris also allowed me to search for books published soon after
the events of '68 that addressed the subject of revolt, revolution and
utopia: books like De la Révolution aux révoltes (Jacques
Ellul), Phénoménologie de l'esprit révolutionnaire
(Vittorio Mathieu), On a raison de se révolter, (Jean-Paul Sartre)
and Utopiques: Jeux d'Espaces (Louis Marin) to name just a few. As much
as I would like to read and reread and study them carefully, I find it
impossible to include the massive and often theoretically overdetermining
material into this small and limited book project. The same applies to
Karl Marx's theories. My project remains therefore limited, and cannot
include the huge amount of accademic work on this subject. Somebody else
should to do this properly. I am also opposed to the way some artists,
filmmakers and book editors today approach this subject by simply exploiting
the nostalgic aura of the remaining images, TV footage, graffities and
other relics. Folklore and nostalgia for both the revolt and the fashion
of '68 go hand in hand and sell well. Increasingly, bookshops in the Quartier
Latin have been converted into fashion boutiques. At the same time, the
fashion industry itself is also appropriating the imaginary of libraries
or radical books for their advertising campaigns.
Even copies of a reprint of Karl Marx's The Communist Manifesto by Verso
Books decorated the Haute Couture window displays of some upscale New
York department stores. Ironically, this Marx text describes very accurately
the conditions of the classes of people who make and purchase these fashion
products. He details how the bourgeoisie has to permanently revolutionize
the instruments and the relationships of production which, in return,
revolutionize social relationships. The consequences are discontent, permanent
insecurity and dramatic change, things that force people to observe their
lives with sober eyes. Fashion is a good cover-up for the bodies of individuals
who could lose their jobs and portfolios overnight. Moreover, the Manifesto
anticipates the socio-economic situation of what today is labeled globalization:
Marx knows that instruments of production and knowhow - now called software
- is concentrated into a few monopolized hands (Microsoft, Boing, Airbus,
DaimlerChrysler, etc...), thanks to the revolution in communication and
transportation infrastructures. He underscores how the markets go cosmopolitan,
global and sometimes out of control, producing financial crises, trade
wars and military wars. Marx's book, while promoting textiles and shoes
in shopping paradises in Manhattan, speaks clearly of how women and children
are abused the most, and how (neo-) colonial exploitation provides the
basis of capitalism. He predicts and requires resistance and revolt -
something we could watch on CNN, like the images from Indonesia I saw
while writing this introduction. The moment Wall Street and the world
financial markets lose control over the savings of the middle classes
around the world, threatening and pushing local and national industries
to their limits with gigantic mergers, wealth is likely to evaporate -
something we just have observed in Asia and even with some renowned US,
Japanese, French and British financial institutions. The boom will gloom,
the dresses fall down to the books and revolt by the dispossesed, left
out and unprotected will be immanent once more.
The idea of this book goes back to an invitation by In Vitro, a tiny initiative
run by artist Gianni Motti that works with public billboards and a tiny
window display in a central tram station, for a public space project in
Geneva. Following the logic of my public reading seminars project, my
proposal consisted of a bulletin board discussion on the internet of Julia
Kristeva's recently published book Sense et Non-Sense de la Révolte.
I was interested in the book but was confused about what Kristeva tried
to do with the term revolt. I then opened up a critical discussion
on my internet reading seminar site (rainer's reading seminar, www.thing.net)
that covered approximately one year. This reading seminar was accompanied
with a sound file and a transcription of an interview I conducted with
Julia Kristeva in New York. This conversation alarmed me. I didn't expect
such an outspoken position against political engagement and feminism,
since she was associated with radical politics and feminism during the
'70s. Her research for Les nouvelles formes du sacré
(the new forms of the sacred) had a particularly disturbing effect on
Books entitled Les Femmes et le sacré (Women and the sacred), La
révolte intime (The Intimate Revolt) and Contre la dépression
nationale (Against National Depression) have appeared in France, and confirm
that our interview was not an exception . Similar positions surface in
other interviews. But her return to the rather oppressive, irrational
concepts of the sacred and the intimate reminded me of a variety of German-speaking
intellectuals who underwent a dramatic shift to a new right wing, one
that has nationalistic, militaristic-chauvinistic, anti-immigrant and
revisionistic - in regard to the Holocaust - politics on their agenda
. The tearing down of the Berlin Wall, the construction of the European
Union, the Euro as a common currency, and the severe effects of the turbo-capitalistic
globalization of production, work and markets have been accelerating this
process. High unemployment, rapidly changing economic situations, the
transformation of the European social welfare system, wars within Europe,
financial crisis around the world and the general inflexibility to transcend
national, ethical, religious and linguistic barriers might help to explain
why certain people seem to revert precisely to repressive ideologies and
In spite of my fundamental disagrement with Kristeva's ideas, I still
find it necessary to publish them in relationship to this book's contrary
beliefs. In Germany, Jürger Habermas, Oskar Negt and Alexander Kluge
have developed a variety of research projects under the names Öffentlichkeit
and Gegenöffentlichkeit on the very origin and constitution of the
political and media systems over the last 400 years. Both terms translate
(inadequately) as 'public sphere' and 'consent in public sphere'. These
authors analyze in historical and structurak terms the development of
the media as well as all other kinds of public expression, and developments
in constitutional politics. These discussions on the bourgeois public
sphere by Habermas and on the proletarian public sphere by Kluge and Negt
were barely translated into an Anglo-Saxon or French context, where discussions
on similar issues were discussed under the categories of urbanism, media,
sociology, politics and constitutional disciplines.
With the advent of neoliberalism and its powerful communication and exchange
infrastructures, the question of Öffentlichkeit (public sphere) and
resistance in it arises anew. In my text for this volume, Public
Sphere and Contest (Öffentlichkeit, Gegenöffentlichkeit,
Doppelöffentlichkeit), I introduce the discussion in the way
Jürgen Habermas opened it in the 1950s and 1960s. With the untranslatable
term Doppelöffentlichkeit, I try to extend it to the
contemporary media landscape that is dominated not only by instant, cableless,
world wide communications but also by the advent of the internet. 40 years
ago the media landscape was rather easy to observe. Print media, radio
and TV were rather simple and their control mechanisms understandable.
In Europe, the state held a monopoly on almost all audio-visual media.
The variety of the media structure at the time was small, the media offers
limited and stable, and the influence direct and remarkable. After publication
of some health advice in one of the handful of magazines distributed all
over the German-speaking countries, for example, you could have millions
of Germans, Austrians and Swiss spending some minutes in the morning upside
down on their heads. People cared about the little media that there was.
Neo-liberalism, total commercialization as well as a revolutionized and
revolutionizing technology - powerful but inexpensive digital production
and distribution facilities, commerical communication satelites, fiber-optic
cables, WWW, etc. - dissolved the clear picture and its monopolies.
The relative loss of influence of any individual medium occurs almost
simultaneously with the difficulties which traditional political parties
have today in Europe. But interest in politics too has decreased and this
not just in the USA where over the last years substantial political debates
have been replaced by sex and scandalism, where private and public space
have collapsed in the most vulgar and abject way for a scandal adicted
audience. Independent of these polit-soap operas important decissions
- even about war and bombardment of entire countries, but also on many
other issues that bear major consequences - are done nonetheless by goverments
and their lobbying machines or by TNCs, away from the public case that
is consumed and entertained in an ecology of scandals.
Nonetheless, the media machine hasn't lost complete power. In many ways,
its influence has increased and even affected domains that define themselves
independent from media and market forces. 30 years ago journalists were
hanging out with the leaders of labor movements; today they line up for
dinner parties with corporations and big decision makers. Today, studies
show how journalism has lost a lot of its independence and has become
promiscuous. Within the cultural industry, the arts, too, is surrendering
to spectacle and corporate interests. Connected networks of communications
and hierarchical dependencies tend to program all the same thing at the
same time. The stars of each cultural field function like
corporate brand names. They assure profits and have high exchange value.
They dominate all symbolic fields with a raising tendency of interdisciplinary
and intercultural penetration and progamming. To be hot in
fashion or advertisment, music or sports, lubricates any kind of exchange
and opens even previously higly guarded fields of artistic practices.
These joint ventures are becoming as common and profitable
for artistic, social and financial capitalization as takeovers and corporate
mergers are becoming significant economically. Efficency and excellence,
visibility and sales, flexibility and nobility on the scene became major
terms for profitable returns in the financial sphere as well as in the
cultural and social domain. Museums need to sell gala dinners to corporations,
fine artists sell fashion shows, super models and media stars join art
events in order to stage and paraphrase political events or icons. To
be sucessful in any of these arenas implies and demands cooperation and
programming everywhere. Careers are judged instantly. In or out, complete
ignorance or over-attention oscillate dramatically and remind us of the
climatical changes of nature that is threatened by the effects of global
warming. Globalization seems to replace any local logic which is responsive
to the interest and needs of people that are not just on-line, on-time
informed and uniformed.
Last but not least we remember the old myth of Odysseus, when he was exposed
to the seduction but death bringing sybelles. Odysseus had himself chained
on a mast to protect himself from what he wanted. Isn't this a tail that
not only made sense for Horkheimer and Adorno who used it to describe
modernity? Today, it could once more be applied to any kind of cultural
production where a major choice is to negotiate between the polyvalent
factors of attention, information, interest, criticism, market, adaptation,
seduction and resitance. With these essays and interviews this book tries
to some raise questions about critical consciousness and resistance in
an age dominated by neoliberalism and digital communication via the internet,
superindividualism and cynicism: Operation Desert Fox or Desert Monica
- it is upsetting!! See also in Germany: A history on the Frankfurt School
and the student movement was just published: 10 years work in three volumes
with nearly 2000 pages in a format closed to letter size with lots of
b/w illustrations cost only approximately 45 US Dollars.
Bankokratie - see Karl Marx, Das Kapital, p. 385, (24. Kapitel, I. Buch)
Kröner Verlag, Stuttgart 1957.
for example Ralph Lauren store on Madison Avenue
Les Femmes et le sacré, La révolte intime
and Contre la dépression nationale ...
see Diedrich Dietrichson, . October article.....
Doppel = double in relationship with the word Gegen = counter
Bourdieu Television