
Basic Chinese - photographs

Basic Chinese - Studying by numbers

Ball-Point drawings and post card works - works on paper

Homeland Security - why I am not a terrorist - video stills and movie

Bicycling Hong Kong - a risky return of the repressed video stills and movie

Kai Tak International Airport - the good use of an airport as a private playground - video stills and movie

Installation views - Artist Commune, Hong Kong


Kai Tak International Airport 2005

Video 40 min or so..

see video

Bicycling on this former air field - again as much as I was able to without holding the steering wheel - I follow the lines of the runways that are still visible and not yet covered under construction rubble. I see this video performance as some bicycle-archeology at the intersection of a nostalgic past - think of all the sentiments that are channeled through airports - and a sold out future with still open chances to be claimed by a concerned population. I have no clue about the history and future use of this famous airport but I got the subjective impression - from all the gates and security around it as well as the style of construction persistent in this region - that the public might be shut out in the decission making of this large scale development.

When runway lines interrupted I continues until I encountered a barrier, a gate or wasn't anymore able to continue due to nature having taken over.







here, I the runway was destroyed and the lines disappeared though I continue riding until I hit the gate.


at the barrier, I turn around and take the same (virutal) runway line back and return ... in order to pick up another line to follow






this was gated field is visited by a few people -who gather whatever they can find - dogs, snakes and other animals...









see video



Basic Chinese - photographs

Basic Chinese - Studying by numbers

Ball-Point drawings and post card works - works on paper

Homeland Security - why I am not a terrorist - video stills and movie

Bicycling Hong Kong - a risky return of the repressed video stills and movie

Kai Tak International Airport - the good use of an airport as a private playground - video stills and movie

Installation views - Artist Commune, Hong Kong