AFGHAN DIALOGS - silk embroideriesIRAQ DIALOGS - fired ceramic tilesARAB DIALOGS - fired ceramic tilesNEWS PAINTINGS - Acrylic on canvasBICYCLING DAMASCUS - videoHOMELAND SECURITY - videoINSTALLATION VIEWS - installation views
POSTCARDS - Please, teach me Arabic (Famous Austrians)POSTCARDS - FREEDOM FRIES STAMPS ETC.WAR ON TERROR - ball-point pen drawingsBASIC ARABIC - photographsBASIC ARABIC - MY FIRST 500 HOURS BASIC, ARABIC / MY SECOND 500 HOURS BASIC ARABICThe New York Times - drawings |
Francesco Manacorda - Filtering NewssPaul Mattick - POSTCARDSRainer Ganahl - ROAD TO WAR Ð The Burning Of History Gone Evil Onto A Pathetic External Hard DriveSearching "Terrorism" on Google.com - wall painting |
clickimagess for hi-res pictures Searching "Terrorism" on Google.com - wall painting This work is line of my series of wall paintings that I started in 1989. Electronic search machinese are not only emblematic for the current and future frontiers in digital technology, our bureaucratic world, but also on the end of security and in the "big brother industry." Exporting - the proper word in computer lingo - digital interface content into actual space - or itno book format or yet others -- renders the organizational principla more visible and gives an interesting spin to the the real meaning of architectonic space - which is by essence also nothing else but a result of definitions and legal renderings (whether residential, industrial, corporate, tourist, cultural etc. )