dadalenin - index tensta kunsthall stockholm - part I, Spring 2008 tensta kunsthall stockholm - part II, Fall 2008 about this work Lenin- a founding member of DADA DADALENIN drawings DADALENIN my dadaists DADALENINHABER Fritz Haber
DADALENIN VIDEOS - various videos with Lenin DADALENIN sculptures DADALENIN ENGINEERING social engineering, Aleksej Gastev DADALENIN VERTOV DZIGAVERTOVKINOPRAVDAFILMTRUTH DADALENIN materials, propaganda, history, news DADALENINMEHRWERT - dadalenin Marcel Janco surplus DADALENINGLASS fragile dadaleninmodernamuseet yesterday I went to the ... DADALENIN_ ALEXANDER RODCHENK the Belomor Canal |
dadalenin drawings DADALENIN NY TIMES obituaries DADALENIN NY TIMES obituaries- TEXT DADALENINACCIDENT - animation film GOOGLELENIN - materials - drawings, paintings etc. STO DIELAET / WHAT IS TO BE DONE collective works / questionnairs Reading Lenin a reading seminar UBULENIN - a theatrical performance, 2008 ubulenin FREE CREDIT CRUNCH MEAL good bye dinner |
D A D A L E N I N NY TIMES DADA D E A T H these are the obituaries found (or not) in the New York Times of DadaLenin Figures.. - (staring also: Marcel Duchamp - a guest who wasn't in Zurich) see a publication with this work segment see a long text about this work
DADALENIN IS DEAD - OBITUARIES This performance consists of simply me reading the obituaries of dadaleninists as printed by the New York Times over the last century. Obituaries are a special kind of literature that can teach us quite a bit. in the case of the original dadaists we get for each member a slightly different version of art history. The absurd nature of this reading is partially already reflected in the obituaries themselves when we learn , for ex. the dadaists were reading simply from phone books. For me these obituaries are important historical documents in the reception of this important art movement - needless to say the older people became the longer the obituaries. Early important figures didn't get any write ups. This work is part of my dadalenin series ( that is based on the fact that Lenin was some kind of a participating member in disguise of dada in zurich, at the cabaret voltiaire, where he lived on the opposite side of the street. dada as well as lenin were dealing with death. art is dead.... etc... lenin's endless sleep at the red square consitutes an endless well paying performance I alwasy like to visit when in Moscow.
DADALENIN NY TIMES DADADEATH, Tristan Tzara, 1963, 2008 ink jet print on paper, 64 x 48.5 cm / 25 1/4" x 19 1/8 inches
DADALENIN NY TIMES DADADEATH, Jean Arp, 1966, 2008 ink jet print on paper, 64 x 48.5 cm / 25 1/4" x 19 1/8 inches
DADALENIN NY TIMES DADADEATH, Emmy Hennings, 1948, 2008 ink jet print on paper, 64 x 48.5 cm / 25 1/4" x 19 1/8 inches
DADALENIN NY TIMES DADADEATH, Richard Hülsenbeck, 1974, 2008 ink jet print on paper, 64 x 48.5 cm / 25 1/4" x 19 1/8 inches
DADALENIN NY TIMES DADADEATH, Marcel Janco, 1964, 2008 ink jet print on paper, 64 x 48.5 cm / 25 1/4" x 19 1/8 inches
No obituary published in 1907 for Alfred Jarry by The New York Times
DADALENIN NY TIMES DADADEATH, Fritz Haber, 1934, 2008 ink jet print on paper, 64 x 48.5 cm / 25 1/4" x 19 1/8 inches
DADALENIN NY TIMES DADADEATH, Marcel Duchamp, 1968, 2008 ink jet print on paper, 64 x 48.5 cm / 25 1/4" x 19 1/8 inches
staring guest for this zurich series: DADALENIN NY TIMES DADADEATH, Marcel Duchamp, 1968, 2008 ink jet print on paper, 64 x 48.5 cm / 25 1/4" x 19 1/8 inches
DADALENIN NY TIMES DADADEATH, LENIN, 1924, 2008 ink jet print on paper, 64 x 48.5 cm / 25 1/4" x 19 1/8 inches
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Alfred Jarry, (8 September 1873 – 1 November 1907) No obituary published by the New York Times.
----- see a long text about this work