dadalenin - index tensta kunsthall stockholm - part I, Spring 2008 tensta kunsthall stockholm - part II, Fall 2008 about this work Lenin- a founding member of DADA DADALENIN drawings DADALENIN my dadaists DADALENINHABER Fritz Haber |
DADALENIN VIDEOS - various videos with Lenin DADALENIN sculptures DADALENIN ENGINEERING social engineering, Aleksej Gastev DADALENIN VERTOV DZIGAVERTOVKINOPRAVDAFILMTRUTH DADALENIN materials, propaganda, history, news DADALENINMEHRWERT - dadalenin Marcel Janco surplus DADALENINGLASS fragile dadaleninmodernamuseet yesterday I went to the ... DADALENIN_ ALEXANDER RODCHENK the Belomor Canal |
dadalenin drawings DADALENIN NY TIMES obituaries DADALENIN NY TIMES obituaries- TEXT DADALENINACCIDENT - animation film GOOGLELENIN - materials - drawings, paintings etc. STO DIELAET / WHAT IS TO BE DONE collective works / questionnairs Reading Lenin a reading seminar UBULENIN - a theatrical performance, 2008 ubulenin FREE CREDIT CRUNCH MEAL good bye dinner |
DADALENIN - ÜBERVOLKSBILDUNG tensta konsthall stockholm exhibition - April 12th - November 2008 in two parts Tensta Konsthall Stockholm/Sweden// (click to download high res image: still under construction but see what's there) part 1:
room 1: introduction / google lenin.... google dadazurich ...
DADALENIN, ink drawing, 9 x 12 inchese, 2008
dadaleninuebervolkserzeihung / dadaleninonpopulareducation / dadaleninsuperpopeducation, 2007 photoraph, 24 x 32 inches... 61 x 80 cm; DADALENIN, UEBERVOLKSBILDUNG / SUPER EDUCATION FOR THE PEOPLE/ PEOPLE'S SUPER EDUCATION, 2006 photograph 24 x 32 inches
DADALENIN - Lenin a founding member of DADA in Zurich in 1916, inkjet print and ink and pencil on paper
dadaleningoogledadazurich, 4/10/2008, 2008, crayons on canvas apprx. 120 x 70 cm dadaleningooglelenin, 4/10/2008, 2008, black crayons on canvas apprx. 120 x 70 cm dadaleningoogleleninredterror, 4/10/2008, 2008, black crayons on canvas apprx. 120 x 70 cm see: dadaleningoogle
dadaleninebaylenin1955, 1955/2007 (bronze sculputre, work on paper)
room 2, reading lenin room Reading Lenin reading seminars Reading Lenin, Gorizia 2007 (Gorizia was a big battle field wiht over a milliion people slaughtered WWI)
room 3, Revisiting Moderna Museet Stockholm dadaleninmodernadalienigmatelllenin1933/2008, 2008 color crayon on paper (title is: not secret but enigma.. - as it corresponds to the original)
dadaleninmodernafahlstromlenin'slastkissinzurich, 2008 (drawing, painting on wood)
dadaleninmodernalouisebourgeoisportraitofdadalenin1949/2008, 2008 (wood, burned in text)
dadaleninmodernabrancusiportraitofjamesjoycedadalenin1947/2008, 2008 dadaleninmodernafahlstromtenstaparkinglotfish, 2008 9 photographs more on DADALENINMODERNAMUSEET
room 4: marcel janco mehrwert / surplus value room see details also here: dadaleninmarceljancomehrwertprotests, 1934/2007 original marcel janco drawing, inkjetprint on paper plus ink see details also here:
room 4: dadalenin, fritz haber, tristan tzara etc.. DADALENINFRITZHABERCLARAIMMERWAHR, 2008 3 piece marble sculputre see more details and info about Fritz Haber (inventor of Mustard gas and Zyclon A) and about this work here: work on paper with pencil. ball pen, ink and inkjet
dadaleninebayleninausgewaehltewerke / dadaleninebayleninselectedworks, 2007 (books, packagin material and ebay invoice, printed on paper with ink drawing)
dadaleninebayleninbust62,95$ 2007 (Lenin bust, packaging material and ebay invoice, printed on paper with ink drawing)
DADALENIN, 2007 bronze
dadaleninkrupskayalenin, 2007
dadaleninebay30,50$, 2007 (scupture, packing material, ebay invoice printout with pencil/ink drawing) dadaleninebay30,50$, 2007 (scupture, packing material, ebay invoice printout with pencil/ink drawing)
dadalenin write nothing, read nothing, say nothing, publish nothing, 2007 (Lenin sculpture, two polish shopping bags)
PS: Use your toughest people for this, 2007 (Stalin and Dzershinski busts, iron , steal cable, ink on papers)
engraved writing block: 30 x 26 x 32.5, gasmask: 25 x 31 x 36, the nozzle of the mask: diameter 10, height 10 LENINHABERTZARA, 2008 bronze
FRITZHABER DADANOBEL, 2007/8, handmade glass and lead Der Imperialismus als das höchste Stadium des Kapitalismus - Lenin zwischen Spiegelgasse 14 und UBS Zentrale, Zürich, 2007 destroyed book, video, and two works on paper: see drawings:
room 7: moscow please, write down... passage plus other stuff... see below Please, write down what you think of Lenin, Moscow, Biennial 2007, 2007 DADALENIN - collective works / questionairs more details on these works: DADALENIN - collective works / questionairs more details on these works:
room 8: dadaleninbicycleaccident dadaleninbicycle, 2008 (dvd, cut paper animation) 2 min more here - see video
room 7: chto delat interactive boards What is to be done / CHTO DELAT - collaboration between Rainer Ganahl and Tensta Gymnasium, 2008 three interactive wall boards / DADALENIN - collective works / questionairs before / beginning: DADALENIN - collective works / questionairs
room 7: dadalenintribune dadaleninellissitzkylenintribune, 1929/2008, 2008 wood, cardboard, quite high..
room 7: dadaleninaleksejgastevsocialengineering corners: dadaleninaleksejgastevsocialengineeringmachines, 2008 see more here: dadaleninaleksejgastevsocialengeneering, 2007/08
room 7: dadalenin video: From the Lenin Monument, October Square, to Lenin Mausoleum, Red Square - Bicycling Moscow, 2007 From the Lenin Monument, October Square, to Lenin Mausoleum, Red Square - Bicycling Moscow, 2007 dvd 27 min or so this is one of the few Lenin statues still in place.
room 8: mausoleum - ( swedish cottage ... ) In Mausoleum
dadaleninmodernalouisebourgeoistombofyoungdadalenin, 1947/2008
DADALENIN NY TIMES DADADEATH, Tristan Tzara, 1963, 2008 ink jet print on paper, 64 x 48.5 cm / 25 1/4" x 19 1/8 inches more dadadeath pieces:
V. I. Lenin, Collected Works, (Russian Edition) 1962, 2007 5 min. video
PLEASE WRITE DOWN WHAT YOU THINK ABOUT LENIN, TENSTA/STOCKHOLM, 2008 - works on paper PLEASE MAKE A DRAWING OF LENIN, TENSTA/STOCKHOLM, 2008 - works on paper DADALENIN - collective works / questionnair DADALENIN - collective works / questionairs DADALENIN - collective works / questionairs
PREVIEW: WORKS TO COME FOR PART II dadalenin PHYNANACE, LITHOGRAPHS FOR SALE. TO HELP COVER THE BUDGET WHOLE.. (VERY DEEP) CONTACT rainer ganahl @ (edition of 10) dadaleninuburoi, 2008 color crayons on canvas, coming to tensta: the reworked play of ALFRED JARRY - UBU ROI / UBU KING / UBU REX / DADALENIN UBU TENSTA /DADALENIN UBU FAHLSTROM KING I'm working on it..
tensta kunsthall stockholm - part II, Fall 2008 |