dadalenin - index tensta kunsthall stockholm - part I, Spring 2008 tensta kunsthall stockholm - part II, Fall 2008 about this work Lenin- a founding member of DADA DADALENIN drawings DADALENIN my dadaists DADALENINHABER Fritz Haber
DADALENIN VIDEOS - various videos with Lenin DADALENIN sculptures DADALENIN ENGINEERING social engineering, Aleksej Gastev DADALENIN VERTOV DZIGAVERTOVKINOPRAVDAFILMTRUTH DADALENIN materials, propaganda, history, news DADALENINMEHRWERT - dadalenin Marcel Janco surplus DADALENINGLASS fragile dadaleninmodernamuseet yesterday I went to the ... DADALENIN_ ALEXANDER RODCHENK the Belomor Canal |
dadalenin drawings DADALENIN NY TIMES obituaries DADALENIN NY TIMES obituaries- TEXT DADALENINACCIDENT - animation film GOOGLELENIN - materials - drawings, paintings etc. STO DIELAET / WHAT IS TO BE DONE collective works / questionnairs Reading Lenin a reading seminar UBULENIN - a theatrical performance, 2008 ubulenin FREE CREDIT CRUNCH MEAL good bye dinner |
DADALENIN HABER C. IMMERWAHR - three marble sculptures : Fritz Haber - develops poison gas and makes it applicable for WWI, 1915 Ypres, (about 100 000 died in WWI, half a million seriously affected) ; 1918 Nobel price in chemistry; his chemist wife, Clara Immerwahr (translate: alwasy true) prostested Haber's work and committed suicide; the same day, Haber travels to the eastern front (against Russia) and deployes more gas at the front. also instrumental for the development of zyclon b gas, used in Nazi gaz chambers; due to the fact that he was a German Jew he was kicked of Germany by the Nazi's. part of his family dies by the gaz he helped to develope. Haber committed suicide in Switzerland in emigration in 1934. He defended the use of poison gaz with the sentnece "death is death". The tragic irony of these biographies constitute for me DADALENIN - tragic-ironic paradoxes squeezed by war, ideology, creativity and destruction. haber committed suicide in basel 1934 january. alos some kind of protest and resignation... his institute finally producd zyzlon b from the alrady existitn zyclon a.. ...
at tensta konsthall sweden
process: first we (Alf Setzer and I) located a stone (carrara marble) - left over at the art academy Stuttgart, wiht visible signs that other had cut part out of it already then we cut into half - one for Fritz Haber ; the other for Clara Immerwahr.
left: Clara Immerwahr ___________________right: Fritz Haber
Stein III: FILTER -- filter taken from Clara part
dadalenin fritzhaber, 2008 bronze
dadalenin habereinstein, 2008 drawing