dadalenin - index tensta kunsthall stockholm - part I, Spring 2008 tensta kunsthall stockholm - part II, Fall 2008 about this work Lenin- a founding member of DADA DADALENIN drawings DADALENIN my dadaists DADALENINHABER Fritz Haber DADALENIN_ ALEXANDER RODCHENK the Belomor Canal DADALENIN VIDEOS - various videos with Lenin DADALENIN sculptures DADALENIN ENGINEERING social engineering, Aleksej Gastev DADALENIN VERTOV DZIGAVERTOVKINOPRAVDAFILMTRUTH DADALENIN materials, propaganda, history, news DADALENINMEHRWERT - dadalenin Marcel Janco surplus DADALENINGLASS fragile dadaleninmodernamuseet yesterday I went to the ... DADALENIN_ ALEXANDER RODCHENK the Belomor Canal
dadalenin drawings DADALENIN NY TIMES obituaries DADALENIN NY TIMES obituaries- TEXT DADALENINACCIDENT - animation film GOOGLELENIN - materials - drawings, paintings etc. STO DIELAET / WHAT IS TO BE DONE collective works / questionnairs Reading Lenin a reading seminar UBULENIN - a theatrical performance, 2008 ubulenin FREE CREDIT CRUNCH MEAL good bye dinner |
dadalenin drawings DADALENIN NY TIMES obituaries DADALENINACCIDENT - animation film GOOGLELENIN - materials - drawings, paintings etc. STO DIELAET / WHAT IS TO BE DONE collective works / questionnairs Reading Lenin a reading seminar UBULENIN - a theatrical performance, 2008 ubulenin FREE CREDIT CRUNCH MEAL good bye dinner |
DADALENIN - 2nd installment tensta konsthall stockholm exhibition - April 12th - November 2008 second part - fall 2008 Tensta Konsthall - dadalenin creditcard crunch meal - ubulenin theater / performance - reinstallment of the show - chto Dielaet / What is to be done / Was tun? (collective works) - screening of pre-release film produced in paris, les laboratoires - That which roles - a film staring Alfred Jarry and Lenin
In the beginning was the food (on credit) - au commencement était la bouffe - am anfang war das fressen
dadalenin - ubulenin - theater / performance for this piece, the original text of Alfred Jarry, UBU KING was rewritten by me.. (UBU KING was performed at the Cabaret Voltraire. it's content deals with high treason and the assasination of the royal family. This theater piece inspired Lenin to od the same. More here come to stockholm. .- this weekend.. ubu lenin - a re-inthronation of ubu rex TENSTA KONSTHOLL -
Re/installation: with mostly works that had not been shown before. Given the interactive aspect of the second installment, this installation was curated and organized by the Tensta team, Sarah and Lisa only, without any of my imput. they decided to concentrate the remaining work in hte center and leave half of the space for hte WHAT IS TO BE DONE WORKS.
- Sto Dielaet / What is to be done / Was tun? (collective works) Tensta Gymnasium dadalenintenstagymnasiumwhatistobedone? these are students from a Tensta (stockholm) high school responding from their perspective to Lenin's question:what is to be done: (I had no imput in this work - except putting up the boards)
I ' m not sharing their ideas of the US flag...
- Sto Dielaet / What is to be done / Was tun? (collective works) the Oyvind Girls dadaleninmodernatenstafahlstrominvitingsocietywhatistobedonedominos COLLABORATION BETWEEN FAHLSTROM (dominos, sitting blocks, 1965/66 - made for an interactive Stockholm event, ), STOCKHOLM UNIVERSITY STUDENTS (art history, architectural department.. etc. under the direction of Tor ... ) , DADALENIN and RAINER GANAHL\ The Oyvind Girls - 4 women who responded to my sollicitation to respond to Lenin's question: What is to be done / Sto dielaet? - they are students from Stockholm's university and responded in their own way. I asked them to express themselves in their own way..
guest appearance of Lenin in a pre-release film produced by Les Laboratoires, Paris: That which roles - a film staring Alfred Jarry and Lenin
go to tensta 1 - first installment of this show